20 Countries Publishing The Most Scholarly Articles

Scholars publish Journals in various forms, and they are commonly referred to as articles. These articles are published after a thorough scientific research on any particular topic and these are multi dimensional gateways for discoveries and inventions. These publications serve as a form of scientific communication among the peers in a particular field. Such technically sound scholarly articles in any discipline are the basis for future inventions and many countries thrive to compete with each other to outdo others in this race of discoveries. These scholarly minds of every country are the think tanks to build a future nation and shape up future generations.
Countries Leading the Way in International Research Publishing
Research in this generation is going international. Scholars are not being confined to their respective nations. Research shows that countries such as the United States of America and China publish more than 800,000 technical and scientific journals in the publishing communities. These works are often the launching pads for spreading word of major discoveries. There is a surprising rise in the publications and research students from Asian countries particularly China in the fields of science and engineering.
Different nations showed inclinations towards different disciplines for research and publications. Research shows that, Astronomy had the highest percentage of publications internationally (with 52.7%). According to the NSF study, around 2.2 million peer-reviewed articles were published in 2013, of which 412,542 (18.8%) were from the United States and 401,435 (18.2%) from China. However, the average annual growth of publications in the United States was of 2.3% for a period from 2003–2013, whereas China saw a growth of 18.9% annually.
Publishing Institutions
Publication of the paper in a renowned and well reviewed journal is an ultimate goal of every scholar. Choosing the right journal is of great importance as the research paper has to reach out to the right group of people to get peer-reviewed and approved. There are many institutions and online portals to display the interests and brilliant works of scholars. Houses such as SCRIP (the Scientific Research Publishing) publish academic books, conference proceedings, and research papers in the disciplines of science, technology, and medicine.
The International Journal of Scientific and Research Publication (IJSRP) is another popular and quality publication of journals with open access from various fields like engineering, science and technology. This forms as a platform for researchers and scholars to exchange their work among scholarly minds. Major schools and universities all over the world encourage publishing research-oriented papers, unique submissions related to specific fields in their journals and online portals. Articles published in such leading universities as Harvard, Oxford, the Indian School of Business, and London School of Economics gain considerable popularity and are highly regarded among scholarly circles all over the world.
Readers Of These Publications
Published research papers are of utmost importance to all scholars. Departments of all disciplines and universities give paramount importance to professionals with publications. These research papers are a great source of information to all research-oriented students, contemporaries in respective disciplines, surveys and most importantly discoveries and inventions. These articles ideally appear as case studies for all students. In the outset, having published articles is very important to establish a flourishing career in academics. The latest study and research in all disciplines is in great demand not only for scholars and universities but also for nations at large. Research papers at times form a base for framing of policies.
20 Countries Publishing The Most Scholarly Articles
Rank | Country | Scientific and Technical Journal Articles Per Year |
1 | United States | 412,542 articles |
2 | China | 401,435 articles |
3 | Japan | 103,377 articles |
4 | Germany | 101,074 articles |
5 | United Kingdom | 97,332 articles |
6 | India | 93,349 articles |
7 | France | 72,555 articles |
8 | Italy | 66,310 articles |
9 | South Korea | 58,844 articles |
10 | Canada | 57,797 articles |
11 | Spain | 53,342 articles |
12 | Brazil | 48,622 articles |
13 | Australia | 47,806 articles |
14 | Russia | 35,542 articles |
15 | Iran | 32,965 articles |
16 | Netherlands | 30,412 articles |
17 | Turkey | 30,402 articles |
18 | Poland | 28,753 articles |
19 | Switzerland | 21,060 articles |
20 | Sweden | 19,362 articles |