Countries With the Lowest Population Density

Population density is calculated by the average number of people in an area or the number of individuals per unit area. For instance, the Earth's population is about 7,500,000,000 and Earth's total surface is about 510,000,000 square kilometers. Therefore, the world's population density is 14.7 per square kilometer. Urban areas usually have a great population density compared to rural areas. Some of the countries with the highest population density include Macau (China), Monaco, and Singapore. However, this article will focus on the countries with the lowest population density.
Countries With the Lowest Population Density
Although Mongolia is ranked as the eighteenth largest country globally, it still tops the list of countries with the lowest population density. Its population density is 1.9 per square kilometer. Its low population density is because of hostile terrain that makes most of its inhabitants are nomads who are always traveling from one region to another. The birth rates in Mongolia also are also low.
Namibia, in Southern Africa, has the second-lowest population density of any country in the world. Namibia has 2,100,000 inhabitants and measures 825,418 square kilometers. Namibia has a population density of 2.9 people per square kilometer. The Namib Desert conditions in the country have resulted in a low population since the region is inhabitable. This condition has, in turn, resulted in low birth rates.
Australia is ranked as the sixth largest country worldwide. It measures 7,692,024 square kilometers and has about 23 million residents. Australia's population density is three people per square kilometer which makes it the third least densely populated country in the world. Australia's population density is low because of its low population brought about by the Great Australian Desert which covers most of the west. Its grasslands also receive inadequate rainfall; this makes it difficult for individuals to reside there.
Mauritania is in the northwestern part of Africa. Its capital city is Nouakchott. Mauritania is the 29th largest country globally, it measures 1,030,700 square kilometers, and has a population of 3,291,000 people. Therefore, its population density is 3.4 per square kilometers. Mauritania has a low population density because of its desert conditions.
Other countries with low population density include Iceland, Botswana, and Suriname. Guyana, Libya, and Canada. Each of them has a population density of about four people per square kilometers. Kazakhstan is ranked number eleven with a population density of seven people per square kilometer while Gabon and the Central African Republic follow with population densities of eight people per square kilometers. Lastly, there is Russia and Bolivia with population densities of nine and ten people per square kilometers respectively.
Implications of Low Population Density
In conclusion, countries such as Canada and Australia are big countries but still have low population densities; this is because they have huge land with unfavorable living conditions. As a result, such countries experience low marriage rates because of scarce jobs and few leisure amenities where people interact. There is also desertion of agricultural land as there are fewer individuals to cultivate due to low birthrates.
Countries With the Lowest Population Density
Rank | Country | Population Density (per sq km) |
1 | Mongolia | 1.9 |
2 | Namibia | 2.9 |
3 | Australia | 3 |
4 | Mauritania | 3.4 |
5 | Iceland | 3.4 |
6 | Botswana | 3.5 |
7 | Suriname | 3.5 |
8 | Guyana | 4 |
9 | Libya | 4 |
10 | Canada | 4 |
11 | Kazakhstan | 7 |
12 | Gabon | 8 |
13 | Central African Republic | 8 |
14 | Russia | 9 |
15 | Bolivia | 10 |