Fun Facts About the United Kingdom

Fun Facts about the United Kingdom
The United Kingdom, popularly known as Great Britain, or simply as the UK, is one of the most Influential, powerful, and richest countries in the world. It is an amazing piece of land that is rich in history and facts, some of which are yet to be discovered. From the natural beauty to the people, technological advancement, sports, no one can ever have enough of the UK. To learn more about Britain including some of the surprising and interesting facts about the UK, here are some of the fun facts about the country.
- Although the UK is a large country covering about 93,600 square miles, nowhere in it is more than 75 miles from the sea.
- The British drink over 163 million cups of tea daily, about 20 times the number of cups consumed by Americans.
- Although Britain has been involved in many wars lasting decades, it has also been involved in the shortest war. The Anglo-Zanzibar War fought in 1896 lasted only 38 minutes.
- The UK has the highest rate of obesity in the world with almost 25% of the British adults being obese.
- The accent of the UK changes noticeably every 25 miles.
- In the UK, it is illegal for anyone to die in the Houses of Parliament.
- The Queen, Elizabeth II, has visited over 115 countries despite not having a passport.
- In the UK, you can rent mourners to fill your funeral. The service is referred to as “Rent a Mourner” service.
- York, Northern England is not only the most haunted city in the UK but also in the world. The city has recorded more than 500 cases of ghostly encounters.
- The UK has the shortest scheduled flight in the world. The flight connecting the tiny islands of Westray and Papa Westray lasts only two minutes.
- Soccer got its start in England when a skull of a Danish warrior was unearthed by Anglo-Saxon farm workers. They kicked the skull around to show their anger and amuse themselves. The early soccer was known as “Kick Dane’s head.”
- One can be jailed for life if they placed a postage stamp with the Queen’s head upside down. That is considered as treason.
- The UK was the first country to allow for the creation of babies using DNA of three people
- Almost 25% of all women in the UK were named Mary in 1811.
- The US eggs are illegal in the UK because they are washed. and the British eggs are illegal in the US because they are not washed.
- More than 3,000 people in the UK were hospitalized in 1999 for tripping over a laundry basket.
- Over 6,000 people are hurt or die in Britain annually for tripping over their trousers or falling downstairs while putting them on.
- The British Navy used Britney Spear’s songs to scare away the Somali pirates along the coast of Africa.
- Queen Victoria survived about seven assassination attempts
- The UK has the third-highest rate of heart attack in Europe. It ranks just below Ireland and Finland.
- Kate Middleton is a cousin to the first president of the US, George Washington, and American World War II hero, General George Petton.
- London has the highest number of languages (300) than any other country in the world
- Of all countries that celebrate Independence Day, 58 are independent of the UK, the highest by any country.
- The most common cause of death for men less than 50 years old in the UK is suicide.
- The average age for a first kiss in the UK is 15.
- The 16th-century law in the UK forbade wife beating after 2100 hrs, simply because the noise disturbed people’s sleep.
- Death penalty was outlawed in the UK following the wrongful execution of a man for killing his wife and daughter in 1950.
- Children over 5 years old can ingest alcohol at their home or on private property in the UK.
- In the UK, the Queen sends personalized birthday cards to those celebrating their 100th birthday every year.
- Windsor Castle in Berkshire is the oldest royal residence in the world.