How to Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit

The freezing or melting point of water is 0 °C or 32.0 °F.
The freezing or melting point of water is 0 °C or 32.0 °F.

Both the Celsius and Fahrenheit are scales or units used for measuring temperature. The Celsius scale is a concept named after an astronomer called Anders Celsius who lived in Sweden between 1701 and 1744. The astronomer came up with a measuring scale whereby zero represented the boiling point and one hundred represented the freezing point of water. However, in 1743 another scientist called Jean Pierre Christin improved the scale and reversed it to read zero at freezing point and one hundred as the boiling point of water. The word Celsius is widely accepted, replacing centigrade. Celsius is an acceptable unit across the globe except in the US.

The Fahrenheit was developed by a researcher named Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit. He came up with the scale which is now the common unit of measuring temperature in the US. The Fahrenheit scale has the freezing point of water at 32 degrees Fahrenheit with the boiling point being 212 degrees Fahrenheit. Therefore there is a difference of 180 degrees between boiling point and freezing point.

Codes and Symbols Used

Codes and symbols used in measuring temperature were adjusted to be compatible with all languages including Chinese. The Unicode as used allows for international recognition and acceptance. Degrees Celsius is denoted as °C whereas degrees Fahrenheit is denoted as °F.

The two scales have standardized the thermometry by providing worldwide acceptable measuring parameters. The conversion arrived at the freezing or melting point of water is 0 °C or 32.0 °F. On the same conversion scale, the average room temperature is 27 °C or 98.6 °F.

How to Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit

One can convert the temperatures to either of the corresponding measuring units using specific formula. The Formula is denoted as: TF=1.8(TC)+32 or as TF=9/5°(TC)+32. TF denotes the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit and (TC) denotes the temperature in degrees Celsius. 32 denotes the freezing point of water on a Fahrenheit scale.

Example 1:

To convert 50 degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit, begin by writing the formula: TF=9/5°(TC)+32. Then TF= 50°Cx9/5+32 becomes TF=90+32 which further reduces to TF=122°. Thus 50°C is equal to 122°F.

Example 2:

To convert 37 degrees Celsius to Degrees Fahrenheit, that is the human body temperature, begin with the formula: TF =1.8(TC)+32. Then TF=37x1.8°C+32 becomes TF=66.6+32 which further reduces to TF=98.6°. Thus 37°C is equal to 98.6°F.

The conversion has been done in three easy steps whereby we begin with indicating the formulae, then Temperature in Celsius (TC) is multiplied by 1.8 and lastly, 32 is added. The answer arrived at will be in Fahrenheit. To ensure we do not lose the accuracy any decimal point arrived at should not be left out in the answer.

Modern Methods of Conversion

Digital thermometers have been developed that can convert from Celsius to Fahrenheit depending on the acceptable scale in that country. Mercury-based thermometers are used to convert to either units and are considered accurate just like the above formulae. Automatic convertor charts have also been developed to assist in the medical sector and astronomers for the weather analysis. For the automatic converter, the user needs to enter the parameter he already has and the corresponding temperature scale is auto calculated.


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