Population Of Salem, Oregon

Salem is the third largest city in the US State of Oregon. It is the primary economic zone in the state with most businesses, academic institutions, health facilities, and manufacturing firms providing employment for the majority of people in the city. Salem is a vibrant city endowed with a blend of many cultures, sporting and tourism activities, trade and transport, arts and entertainment as well as a rich historical background making it a vital economic spot in Oregon.
Vital Statistics Of The Population Of Salem
The population of Salem during the 2010 census was 154,637. This population has registered a growth of 1% in comparison to the population of 2000. Out of this population, 49.9% are males while 51.1% are females. Out of the residents of Salem, 10.8% are below 18 years, 10.8% aged 18-24, 27.6% aged 24-44, 24.5% aged between 45-65 and 12% are above the age of 65. The median age is 34.5 years. Of the employed population, 34.1% are in blue collar jobs while the rest are in white collar jobs. The literacy levels in Salem are quite high owing to the presence of many educational facilities with 78.5% having at least some high school education.
Racial composition Of the Population Of Salem
Salem is a multi-racial city with the whites being the largest race in the city at 79% followed by the Asians at 2.7% followed by the African –Americans at 2% and the Native Americans are 1.5% and the Pacific Islanders at 0.9%. Mixed races make up 4.3% of the population, and the other races are at 10.1%. People of the Hispanic origin make up 20% of the total population.
Religion Of The People Of Salem
About 31% of the people in Oregon identify with some religious group. Out of these, 10% are Catholic which makes it the leading religious group in the state followed by Latter Day Saints at 6.48%, while 0.23% identifies with the Jewish religion, 0.61% are followers of the Eastern religion while Islamic people are at 0.10%
In the past, Oregon’s economy relied heavily on natural resources such as timber, fishing, and agriculture. However, due to changing times that prompted the need to diversify its economic resources. This transition happened in the 1990-2000s. Between 2004 and 2007, the economy of Oregon grew due to increasing in the construction services which led to the creation of jobs. In 2008, the GDP was at $161.6 billion, making it the 26th richest state in the US. Top exports in Oregon include computers and electronic products, manufacturing, chemicals, and transportation. Though the economy of Oregon is booming, unemployment is at 7.2% with 15.5% of the population living below the poverty.
Due to the high population of youths in the city of Salem, the potential labor force growth is likely to increase which will lead to positive growth in the overall economy of Salem.
The city of Salem is one on an upward trend both in economic and infrastructural facilities. The city is expected to grow in population size owing to the improved health facilities and the projected increase in jobs and income.