The 10 Most Family Friendly States

Raising a family can require one to move from one state to another due to various factors such as affordable housing, low taxes, better living conditions, and secure environment for children. Ten states have been identified by the Annie E. Casey Foundation as the best place to raise a family for their family-friendly policies including enforcing the federal rights and protections. Below are the ten most family-friendly states.
10. Hawaii
Hawaii is not only a popular tourist destination; it is also a popular destination for raising a family. It is among the cleanest and environmentally safe states and is ranked first in Public Health according to U.S. News & World Report. The unemployment rate is 3.2% while the poverty rate is 10.6%; the seventh lowest in the country. It is considered a fun state to live in with plenty of sceneries and low level of air pollution.
9. Connecticut
Annie E. Casey Foundation ranked Connecticut the 5th best state to raise a family in the US. The unemployment stands at 5.1% while the poverty rate is the 6th lowest in the country at 10.5%. Although it is the third smallest state, it is densely populated with a population of approximately 3.6 million. It is an affordable state with quality healthcare and education. The graduation rate for high school and college are above the national average while 38% of adults have bachelor’s degree. Connecticut has also been ranked the best state in terms of dental hygiene for both children and adults.
8. Iowa
Iowa, just like Utah, has witnessed an increase in people seeking to establish families in the state. Annie E. Casey Foundation ranked Iowa the third best state to raise a family in 2016. It is a relatively affordable state and one of the ten most peaceful states in the US. According to U.S. News & World Report, Iowa has the most affordable healthcare service in the country.
7. Massachusetts
Massachusetts ranks among the states with the highest level of educated people in the country. More than two in every five adults have a bachelor's degree, a situation that has led to improved living conditions and better opportunities. The unemployment level is 3.3% while the poverty level stands at 11.5 %. Annie E. Casey Foundation ranks it the second best state in children wellbeing and first in the provision of education. It is considered a fun state to living in with low levels of criminal activities.
6. Maine
In the past decade Maine as risen as a popular destination for families seeking to establish a home. It encompasses the urban and rural environment that is both safe and fun for children. A majority of its towns are not heavily populated and are well served by a good road and communication network. According to an FBI report, there is an increase in drug use and related crime in the state, but the figures are far below other states. Maine is also in the top 12 states with the highest graduation rate across the country.
5. North Dakota
North Dakota was ranked 8th by the Annie E. Casey Foundation; it was also ranked second in socioeconomic wellbeing. It is a sparsely populated state with a population of less than a million and is known for large agricultural farms. It is among the ten states with the best education and health services in the country. It registers a low infant mortality rate, and its healthcare is among the most affordable in the country. A majority of the houses are owned by their occupants, and the state is ranked the sixth most affordable state
4. Minnesota
Minnesota was ranked the best state in the US, third best in terms of health and education. Its population has witnessed a 10.0% growth over the last decade while the unemployment rate stands at 4.0%. It is also among the most affordable states and safest states. The Annie E. Casey Foundation ranked Minnesota the best state to raise children in terms of economic well-being, health, and education. It is among the safest states in the country, and children raised in the state are ranked above average.
3. Utah
The state of Utah was ranked among the ten best state to raise a family. It was ranked the best state in social, economic development, and is considered a fun state for children. It is also among the ten safest states to raise children with low drug related cases. Three cities in the states were ranked among the 15 best places to raise a family by Forbes due to low crime and quality education. As at 2010, Utah has the youngest population in the US with a third of its population being 18 or younger, it is also among the states with high birth rates.
2. New Hampshire
New Hampshire has the seventh life expectancy at birth rate of 79.9 years which is the 7th highest. It has experienced a population growth of 4.6% over the last decade and a poverty rate of 7.2%, the lowest in the country. The unemployment rate is 2.8% which is the 2nd lowest. It has the second lowest infant mortality rate, registering 4.3 deaths in every 1000 children born. It ranks fourth in the provision of healthcare. New Hampshire was ranked first in terms of economic opportunity and equality for all citizens. It is also considered a fun state for families and is among the six states with the best education and health care services.
1. Vermont
Vermont state is considered one of the best states to raise a family in the US. It has a moderate population growth of 3.9% which is the 5th lowest in the country, the unemployment rate of 3.3% which is the 8th lowest and an incidence of poverty of 10.2% which is the 4th lowest. The life expectancy is 79.5 years, the 12th highest countrywide. Seventy percent of families also own their homes. The state of Vermont is also considered among the five safest states in the country. However, the state ranked 35 in terms of family fun, but most parents would forfeit fun for security.