The Fastest Fish In The World

On land, the cheetah is considered to be the fastest animal. On the other hand, the peregrine falcon has the highest diving speed among the birds. Cheetah’s speed of 68.0 to 75.0m/h is the highest speed on land whereas, among the birds, peregrine falcon’s speed of 389km/h is the highest diving speed. Among the reptiles, the central bearded dragon is the fastest, with a speed of 40km/h whereas the black marlin is the fastest fish. The Mexican free-tailed bat is the quickest mammal and horsefly is the fastest among the invertebrates.
The Fastest Fish In The World
Fish are aquatic animals having no limbs. They swim in water while moving from one point to another. However, the speed at which they swim varies from one type of fish to the other. Some fish swim faster as compared to others. Among the fastest fish include black marlin, sailfish, swordfish, yellowfin tuna, and the shortfin mako shark. Research has shown that these fish can swim at astonishing speeds. For example, the speed can be as high as 129km/h.
5. Shortfin Mako Shark
This type of fish is also among the fastest in the world. Among the shark fish species, shortfin mako shark is the fastest, given an average speed of 72km/h. This type of shark is enormous and has an accelerated growth rate. An adult weighs about 60 to 135 kg with an average length of approximately 3.2 meters. The shortfin mako is cylindrically-shaped and has a vertically-elongated tail. This species inhabits the offshore tropical and temperate oceans and seas globally. The main diet of the shortfin shark include the bony fish as well as the cephalopods. The swordfish, tunas, mackerels, and bonitos, are shortfin sharks’ preys. Besides, it feeds on seabirds, porpoises, and the sea turtles. Their hunting entails vertical lunging and tearing of their prey’s fins and lungs. The speed helps them in hunting since the prey cannot easily notice them. Also, its speed has made it a highly sorted game fish globally.
4. Yellowfin Tuna
This is the fourth fastest fish, having recorded swimming speed of 76km/h. The average speed of the tuna fish is considered to be 80km/h; hence this species of fish swim at very high speeds. The high speed recorded among the tuna species is due to their tails which move at astonishing speeds. Besides, the tails lack nerve endings; thus they do not feel pain in case of injuries. Yellowfin tuna is one of the largest among the species of tuna; with its weigh being approximately 180 kg and length of about 2.4 meters. Yellowfin tuna are said to be epipelagic; they inhabit water above the thermocline levels. However, some of the yellowfin found in the Indian Ocean could swim deep into the ocean and be also found almost on the surface. Yellow fish tuna are found mainly in the vast deep waters. However, under suitable conditions, they may move to the shores. This species of fish is mostly found in the mid-ocean islands; examples include the Caribbean, the Hawaiian archipelago, and volcanic islands of the Atlantic Ocean, among many others. The yellowfin tuna feed on squid, crustaceans, other fish, as well as pelagic. However, the yellowfin tuna is prey to other larger fish species especially when young. They are preyed upon by seabirds, shark, wahoo, and billfish, among others.
3. Swordfish
Swordfish is the third fastest fish on earth, with speed as high as 97km/h. The swordfish’s speed, 97km/h, is attributed to Sir James Gray’s estimation of the fish’s impact on embedding its sword on the ship’s timbers. Therefore, the speed may not have been experimentally studied; however, the fact remains that swordfish is one of the fastest fish species. Swordfish are considered to be highly predatory and can be found on the surface or deep in the sea. Areas inhabited by sailfish include the temperate as well as the tropical regions of the Indian, Atlantic, as well as the Pacific Oceans. The swordfish uses its “sword” for hunting. However, it is its speed which is essential in enabling it to capture the prey. Swordfish lose scales as well as teeth when they reached adulthood. Among the billfish category, the swordfish is very widespread sportfish despite being very subtle. Besides, they are well-known for migration in that during the summer; they move towards the colder areas. They feed on smaller fish especially during the night when they move onto the surface of the water to hunt.
2. Sailfish
The second fastest fish is the sailfish. Experiments done in Florida, Long Key, among a sailfish swam recorded sailfish which leaped as high as 91 meters over 3 seconds. Such speed corresponds to 109km/h; however, it included leaping out of water which may not be treated as swimming. Sailfish inhabit the colder regions of the seas and oceans of the world.They are mostly blue to gray and have a sail which is an erectile dorsal fin. The sail may stretch all over the back of the sailfish. Also, their length is less than three meters and weigh no more than 90 kg. There are two main species of sailfish; namely, Indo-Pacific and the Atlantic sailfish. They mostly hunt smaller fish using their bills. Also, the sail helps them in attacking their preys and is kept folded while swimming. However, when they are attacking the prey, the sail is unfolded thus hiding their bills from being detected by the prey. The small teeth on their bills cause injuries on the prey which weakens them and make it easier for capture. Sailfish hunt as a group and attack their preys sideways; that is, either to the left or right. Consequently, the prey cannot predict sailfish’s direction and as a result, captured easily.
1. Black Marlin
Black marlin is the fastest fish. The swimming speed for this species of fish has been recorded as high as 129km/h. This species is mostly found in the Pacific and Indian Oceans. The subtropical and tropical regions are conducive to the survival of the black marlin fish. This species is one of the largest among the marlins and the bony fish. Black marlins are highly prized; hence they are fished for commercial reasons. The black marlin feeds on other smaller fish. Its main diet consists of cephalopods and various fishes. Black marlin is considered a recreational fish. Sports fishers use this fish species for gaming purposes. For example, off the coast of Australia, the black marlin is mostly caught when there is moonlight. This kind of fish resides mostly in warmer regions of the ocean waters such as the Gulf of California, and mostly along the coasts rather than in the deep seas.