The Most Beautiful Colleges in the World

Deciding to further college education has become increasingly complicated as options range from attending a traditional four-year college to pursuing online education. The truth is that nothing beats the experience of on-campus college life. Being nose-deep in textbooks is just so much more enjoyable when you're surrounded with lush green gardens, elegant buildings, and serene landscapes. Thankfully, there is no shortage of universities in the world that match their academic credentials with magnificent surroundings. In no particular order, here is a list of ten schools who offer surroundings that are particularly beautiful.
10. University of Chicago

The University of Chicago is renowned for its unique architecture. Resting on a 217-acre piece of land in downtown Chicago, the campus hosts antique buildings, including the Main Quadrangle which has been marked as a National Historic Landmark. The campus predominantly features gothic design. For nature lovers, the university also hosts a botanical garden.
9. University of Toronto

Established in 1827, the University of Toronto St. George campus features lecture halls designed in gothic and romanesque styles. Campus highlights include a beautiful chapel and the 143 foot Soldiers' Tower, built in honor of Canadian soldiers killed in the World Wars.
8. Paris-Sorbonne

Some of the buildings at the iconic Paris-Sorbonne (now known as just Sorbonne University, after fusing with Pierre and Marie Curie University) date all the way back to the 17th century. Despite many facelifts, many of the campus' buildings beacon back to their original flory. Campus highlights include the historic Sorbonne building, found in the Latin Quarter of Paris.
7. Princeton University

The campus of Princeton University is iconic ivy league at its best. The school's gothic-style chapel is the world's third largest college chapel. The oldest building on Princeton's camps is Nassau Hall, which dates back to 1754.
6. University of Glasgow

Located within Scotland’s biggest city, the University of Glasgow offers students a lovely aerial view of the city. The eye-level view is not so bad either. The western and eastern ends of campus are marked by quadrangles surrounded by well-manicured ravishing lawns. All the buildings are in fluted rows and columns connected by dramatic walkways.
5. University of Oxford

Voted the most beautiful university in 2016, Oxford features an environment that is ravishing with gothic spires and alluring green gardens. It is no wonder that the school was chosen as a filming location for the Harry Potter movies. The campus features a series of graceful quads and walkways with exquisite stone cloisters and stained glass windows.
4. Trinity College Dublin

Modeled after the colligative universities of Oxford and Cambridge, Trinity College is the oldest university in Ireland. The campus is the epitome of the 18th and 19th-century architecture with monuments depicting the deep-rooted culture of learning and education in the country. On this beautiful campus, cobblestone paths wind among the elegant stone antique buildings.
3. University of Michigan

The University of Michigan is a massive school, sprawling over four beautiful campuses. The U of M, sometimes just simply called Michigan, can count over 500 buildings in total! Campus landmarks include the Burton Memorial Tower, the Law Quadrangle, and Tappan Hall, which is the oldest classroom on campus.
2. Dartmouth College

Found in 1769, Dartmouth has maintained most of its initial charm. Nature lovers can explore the banks of Connecticut River known for its natural beauty and breathtaking flowing water. The main block is a blend of ancient Gothic designs and modern English architectural work.
1. Brown University

At the entrance of Brown University, a convocation gate stands, welcoming new students. The campus is home to a number of historic libraries, as well was the unique Robinson Hall, which is a building shaped as an octagon that was built in the style of Venetian Gothic. The school's campus as a whole is described as "European organic".