The Most Beautiful Flowers in the World

Floriculture is one of the most practiced businesses in the world. They are used to celebrate or mourn several important ocassions, and can also be used as decoration. Flowers themselves have many different symbols – for example, love is symbolized by roses, carnations, and chrysanthemums, innocence is symbolized by lilacs, daisies, and freesias and joyfulness are symbolized by Bird of Paradise flowers. Here are some of the 10 most beautiful flowers in the world.
10. Dahlia

Dahlias are bushy and colorful perennial plants that bloom summer through autumn. They were named after a botanist from Sweden called Anders Dahl. Dahlias were common in Mexico in the 16th century. They are currently grown in North America. They are termed as tuberous because they grow from small biennial tubers during spring. Growing Dahlias entails digging up tubers and storing them until the frost is over. They have different sizes and can grow up to five feet tall. Their favored environment is a moderate climate with loamy soil. There are about 42 varieties and the 18 known include peony, stellar and Water Lily. They are a source of food and are also widely used in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries.
9. Gladioli

Gladioli are flowers with a unique shape, giving them the name "sword lily". During its cultivation, the gladiolus bulb must be stored until summer, when there is no frost, making March to May months suitable for their favorable growth. They are more than 23 known species. They grow to a height of up to 105 centimeters. They are popularly grown in South Africa. Gladioli are native to South Asia and the Mediterranean region. They are a symbol of moral integrity and strength.
8. Rose

Roses are sweet-smelling flowers whose stems have sharp prickles. They are the national flower of the United States of America, England, and the Maldives. They were grown by Minoans in Greece and Romans in Ancient Rome. Today, two-thirds of roses are grown in South Holland. Roses grow best in the spring season. They reproduce by cross-pollination to form rose hips which can be a source of food and oil. Rose oil extracted from the petals by steam distillation or solvent extraction has purposes in cosmetic and cookery. Roses also represent passion, romance, suffering, and peace.
7. Daffodil

Daffodils are cheerful flowers associated with the spring. They were discovered by a Greek botanist. Daffodils are majorly grown in Northern Africa, Britain, parts of Asia and in the Mediterranean region. Also known as lent lily, they are reported to grow best in cool and sunny conditions. Daffodils are a symbol of new beginnings. Daffodils can be yellow, orange, white and pink.
6. Sweet William

These are bushy flowering plants with a sweet fragrance. They are perennial but sometimes regarded as biennial in the carnation family. Sweet William flowers belong to the genus "Dianthus". They are also known as bearded pink. Their origin is in parts of Asia and Southern Europe. They thrive mostly in summer, with well-drained soil and adequate sunlight. Their habitation is based on woods and meadows. Sweet Williams are ornamental garden plants.
5. Forget-Me-Not

Forget-me-not are predominantly blue flowers. They were named in Greece although their native origin was in New Zealand. They are currently vastly grown in various regions of Europe, Asia, and America. They are a symbol of true love and memories. They can be edible. Due to their prolific ability, they are considered to be weeds when they grow in unwanted places. They can have a width up to three feet. These flowers tend to grow over water bodies. They require moisture and slight shade for growth.
4. Morning Glory

Morning glories are funnel-shaped, radiant flowers that take a maximum of about seventeen weeks to bloom. They add color to any dull place as they grow quickly and widely. They can grow up to twelve feet. They mostly grow from seeds. Morning glories require adequate sunlight to bloom. However, they die within the same day of their meaning, therefore translating to their symbol of love, affection, and mortality. Their roots were used medically to relieve constipation, indigestion, and headaches.
3. Wisteria

Wisterias are predominantly blue flowers which grow best during autumn and winter. They require moist soil which is well-drained and adequate exposure to sunlight. They are native to Japan, Korea, North America, and China. They are a symbol of love, sensitivity, and tenderness. Chinese Wisteria is considered to be diuretic. Their colors range from white, pink, purple to blue. However, wisteria is known to be toxic and poisonous.
2. Sunflower

Because of their nativity from Mexico and North America, sunflowers are also known as Californian flowers. Current growers of sunflowers include Kenya, Ukraine, and Russia. They grow best in well-drained soils and sufficient sunlight. They are a symbol of longevity and adoration. They can grow to a height of 3 meters. Short sunflowers can be used as beds and borders while sunflower seeds are food to animals. The sunflower oil that is produced from its seeds is useful in the cooking and cosmetic industries.
1. Tulip

These are large bright flowers with different shapes, colors, and heights. They were discovered in the 17th century. Tulips symbolized the reign of the Ottoman Empire. They require moderate temperatures to thrive and are currently grown in Holland. Tulips are the national flower of Turkey. They are reported to originate from Turkey and Central Asia. There are more than 3000 species that are classified according to Blooming seasons as early, mid and late. According to their color, they are a symbol of true love, royalty, and cheerfulness.