Top Macadamia Consuming Countries

The macadamia nut is produced by the macadamia tree which is native to Australia. The macadamia is known to be a good source of manganese, vitamins A and B, folate, healthy fats, antioxidants, and proteins. The nut is either consumed raw, boiled, roasted, or processed into macadamia oil. The global production of the macadamia nut has doubled over the past decade, from 26,500 metric tons in 2007 to 51,900 metric tons in 2017. Australia and South Africa are the largest producers of the nut with with each country producing 28% of the global production. Kenya produces 14% while the United States produce 9%. South Africa is the largest exporter accounting for 26% of the market share followed by Australia at 20% while Kenya has 13%. Of the 51,900 metric tons produced in 2016, 31,100 were exported.
Top Macadamia Consuming Countries
The United States is the largest consumer of macadamia nuts. The country's consumption ranges between 8,800 – 9,800 metric tons annually. Despite being a significant producer, the US is the largest importer. The state is also a significant exporter of macadamia nuts most of which is the excess of the domestic consumption. Hawaii is the top producer of macadamia in the US while Florida and California are minor producers.
China is the second largest consumer and importer of macadamia nuts. The country's consumption peaked in 2013 with 5,843 metric tons before dipping in 2015 with 1,657. In 2016, China consumed 4,055 metric tons. The country costumes as much as it produces but still manages to be a significant exporter. The country imports a percentage of macadamia, which it processes, and exports. However, the country import is gradually decreasing from a high of 10,000 metric tons in 2012 to 4,500 in 2016. Yunnan province produces 80% of macadamia in China.
Although Australia is a top producer of macadamia nuts, its consumption is significantly lower compared to the US and China. A large percentage of the macadamia nuts produced in Australia is exported. Of the 12,760 Metric tons produced in the country only 3,347 is consumed domestically. New South Wales and Queensland are the major macadamia growing regions of Australia.
Trends In The Production And Consumption Of Macadamia Nuts
The production of macadamia nuts has doubled in the past decade. The trend is expected to continue as countries such as China and Kenya improve their production. By 2030, China is expected to be the world's largest producer of macadamia as farmers in the country embrace the crop. The consumption is also likely to increase as consumer turn to healthier foods to prevent lifestyle diseases such as diabetes. The demand for macadamia oil spearheads the demand as the nut as the oil is considered among the best in the world.
Top Macadamia Consuming Countries
Rank | Country | Consumption (MT) |
1 | United States | 8829 |
2 | China | 4055 |
3 | Australia | 3347 |
4 | Japan | 3233 |
5 | Kenya | 2634 |
6 | Germany | 2011 |
7 | Brazil | 1431 |
8 | Canada | 1001 |
9 | South Korea | 667 |