Valley of Geysers, Russia - Unique Places Around the World

The Valley of Geysers is located in Russia. It is the world’s second largest after Yellowstone. It is located in Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia. The geyser field extends along a 3.7 mi long basin. It consists of about ninety geysers as well as many hot springs. The geysers are concentrated on the left bank of the Geysernaya River. Ustinova and Krupenin discovered the valley on July 25, 1941. The Valley of the Geysers extends along a canyon carved by the river. Each geyser in the field has its own discharge cycle and characteristic.
Mudflow Damage
On June 3, 2007, part of the nearby mountain collapsed sending resulting in a massive landslide made of bedrocks; a mudslide subsequently occurred thereafter. The mass of rocks resulted in a torrent of snow, water, boulders, clods and all manner of debris rushing down the valley clearing down trees and shrubs. The rim of the valley disintegrated and flowed over the debris of the initial landline. The upper part of the Vodopadny Creek was stripped off, revealing a wall of rocks 480 ft high and 2,700 ft long. About a mile of the valley was buried, the mouth of the valley was totally coved in sludge resulting in a dam with an average depth of 50 ft. Water collected for four days before it began overflowing. The landslide was the largest in the Kamchatka Valley and among the largest in the country. Researchers estimated the volume to be 20 million cubic meters. As a result, seven geysers were buried while nine were flooded.
Touring The Valley Of Geysers
The geyser field is located in a marshy remote part of the Kronotsky Nature Reserve. It is among the most remote places of Russia and inaccessible by road. The geyser filed is only accessible by air. Several travel companies offer expeditions to the filed in groups of around 12-23 people. The ecosystem is protected by the government and every tour require a tour guide to guide and ensure that visitors do not contaminate the environment. Tourists get an opportunity to view the beautiful natural environment including volcanic mountains, calderas, and wild animals.