What and When is World Penguin Day?

Penguins are flightless aquatic birds. They are mainly found in the southern hemisphere. According to the State of Antarctic Penguins Report 2017, the number of penguins is estimated to be 12 million. Other than Antarctica, penguins can also be found naturally in Australia, New Zealand, South America, and South Africa; although all over the rest of the world, they are kept in captivity. Penguins have a lifespan of 15 to 20 years depending on the species.
What is World Penguin Day?
World Penguin Day is a day set aside to recognize and appreciate penguins. On this day, it is essential to learn more about penguins and how to protect them. Penguins are considered an endangered species with five of the species having declined significantly in recent years.
When is World Penguin Day?
World Penguin Day is celebrated every year on April 25. This day was chosen as it marks the day penguins migrate northward each year. The Adelie penguins migrate in the fall season of Antarctica until the following spring. However, it is not clear who created World Penguin Day. Penguins are also celebrated on January 20, which is known as Penguin Awareness Day.
Marking World Penguin Day
On World Penguin Day, people are advised to spend time learning more about penguins. People can also watch documentaries on penguins. The National Day Calendar asks people to use #WorldPenguinDay while sharing information on social media on April 25. Awareness should be raised on this day of the plight of penguins through the posting of penguin pictures on social media platforms. Wearing penguin colors, which are black and white, is a way of celebrating this day. Homage can be paid to this day by learning about Protecting Antarctica’s Marine Environment which is found on the Greenpeace website.
Facts about Penguins
There are 18 different species of penguins although there is confusion on the northern rockhopper and southern rockhopper species, which are often counted as a single species. The largest species is Emperor Penguin which measures 48 inches tall and weighs up to 90 pounds. The smallest penguin species is the Little Blue Penguin with a height of 16 inches and weighs about two pounds. These birds are considered the fastest swimming of all birds and the deepest divers of all bird species. Penguins have a characteristic called countershading which is how the birds are colored with black backs and a front white. Another amazing fact about the penguins is that they are carnivorous and catch their food in the sea.
Protecting the Penguins
The Polar Programme Manager for World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), Rob Downie, commented about World Penguin Day stating that climate change threatens penguins and that there is an urgent need to tackle climate change by honoring the Paris climate agreement. He went on further to state that penguins have perfectly adapted to surviving the harshest environment in the world.