What Continent Is India In?

India, officially the Republic of India, is a country located in the southern part of the continent of Asia. India is situated on the Indian subcontinent, which is a popular name used to describe South Asia. The Indian subcontinent is made up of seven countries: India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, and the Maldives. India shares land borders with Bhutan, Nepal, and China to the northeastern side, Pakistan to the west, and borders Bangladesh and Myanmar to the east. The Arabian Sea bounds the Republic of India to the southwest, the Indian Ocean to the south, and the Bay of Bengal on the southeast.
Where is Asia located?
Located in the northern and eastern hemispheres, Asia is the largest and most populous continent on Earth. Asia shares the Eurasia continental landmass with Europe, and the Afro-Eurasia landmass with Africa and Europe. Asia occupies an area of approximately 17,212,000 square miles, which is 8.7% of the Earth's surface and 30% of the Earth's total land area. Asia is the biggest continent on Earth, followed by Africa, and then South America. India is the second largest country in Asia, behind China, which occupies about 3,705,407 square miles.
Asia is the most populous continent on Earth, with a population of over 4.5 billion people, which represents over 60% global population. Asia is home to two of the world's most populous nations: China and India. India has a population of approximately 1.342 billion, and is the second most populated country in the world, behind the Republic of China, which has a population of more than 1.388 billion. Although China is the most populated nation on Earth, India has a higher growth rate. In the last 16 years, the population of India has risen by 33.4%, while China's population has increased by 9.5%.
History of Asia
Asia had the largest economy in the world between 1 and 1800 CE, with India and China alternating as the world's largest economies. The legendary prosperity of old Indian culture and the dominant economic power of China personified Asia, thus attracting European colonialism, exploration, and commerce. The accidental discovery of India by Columbus demonstrates the deep fascination with the continent. Asia is the birthplace of some of the world's mainstream religions, including Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Taoism, Sikhism and Confucianism. In the 20th century, the continent of Asia displayed economic dynamism and robust population growth, but the growth rate has reduced in recent years years.
Asia is a home to many language families and several language isolates. Most countries in Asia have more than one official language. There are over six hundred languages spoken in Indonesia, more than eight hundred languages in India, and one hundred languages in the Philippines. As the most populous nation in the world, China has numerous languages and different dialects spoken in various provinces. Some of the language isolates spoken in Asia include Burushaski, which is used in Northern Pakistan, the Korean language isolate, which has over 78 million speakers, and the Puroik language isolate.