What Continent is Jamaica In?

Where Is Jamaica?
Jamaica is an island country located in the Caribbean Sea. It is the third-largest island in the Caribbean at 4,320 square miles. Jamaica falls about 145 kilometres and south of Cuba and 191 kilometres west of Hispaniola. The country lies on a height above sea level of 17° and 19° north and longitudes 76° and 79° west. It has a range of tourist attractions sites, which include mountains (like Blue Mountains) and Montage Bay, which is one of its largest cities. The bay is considered one of the finest for tourism attraction bays in the entire Caribbean Sea. The Dunn's River Falls is also a major tourist attraction site located in Saint Ann and the blue lagoon situated in Portland.
Governence of Jamaica
Jamaica regained its independence from the United Kingdom in 1962 and as of late, it has a population of 2.9 million people. The country has two major types of administration namely parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy, the monarchy being governed by Queen Elizabeth the second. A bipartisan joint committee of the Jamaican legislature drafted the current constitution of Jamaica in 1962 and is in use until date. The Jamaican parliament consists of two house namely the upper house and the lower house. The citizens of the country directly elect members of the parliament and the governor general nominates the member of the house representatives. The prime minister and the parliamentary leader of the opposition jointly appoint the senators. The governor general later on gets to appoint the senator.
Climate of Jamaica
Jamaica experiences a tropical climatic system, which as a result supports a variety of ecosystems together with plants and animals. The climate is diverse but there exists some areas that experience temperate climate like the higher inland places. The Liguanea and Pedro plains in the south coast experience dry seasons. The areas that receive high ranges of rainfall harbour plants like bamboo, rosewood, mahogany, ferns, and ebony. The diversity of wildlife, typical of the Caribbean, contains many species which are cannot be found anywhere else in the world.
Economy and Tourism
Jamaica has a variety of major sectors of economy, which include agriculture, tourism, mining, insurance and financial services, and manufacturing services. Tourism and mining are the lead earners of foreign exchange. Research reveals that an estimated 1.3 million foreign tourists visits Jamaica every year. Another research conducted in the recent years shows that almost half the Jamaican economy relies on services like tourism for survival. Over the years, Jamaica has shown a steady increase in the gross domestic product of the country since independence.
Language of Jamaica
Jamaican population has two major languages that the people speak and as a result, it is mostly refer to as a bilingual country. Jamaican Standard English is regarded as the official language used in education, media, government hearings, and legal systems. Jamaican Potais or as otherwise called Patwa is the widely spoken language in the country. Recent research shows that 36.5% of the people of Jamaica speaks Patwa, 17.1% mostly use Jamaican Standard English, and the remaining population fluently speak the two languages.