What Impact Will Climate Change Have On Europe?

- Due to the rise of temperatures above the global average, droughts, flooding, and extreme heat are expected to affect Europe.
- There will be less ice in the Arctic Sea and Greenland, which could lead to biodiversity loss and endangering those living in the Arctic.
- The Mediterranean region could experience many complications due to the competition for water.
Starting in 2019, Europe has already experienced record climate change effects. It got really warm at the start of the year for the United Kingdom, with temperatures around 18.3 °C. Droughts, flooding, and extreme heat are some of the most prominent aspects of climate change, and these are expected to become frequent visitors for the countries of Europe in the upcoming weather-sensitive years.
How Is The Ecosystem Of Europe Changing?
Because the temperature will rise above the global average, there will be less ice in the Arctic Sea and Greenland, fewer permafrost areas, and a higher risk of biodiversity loss and the lives of those living in the Arctic will be in danger. The Boreal region will experience faster forest growth, along with an increased risk of forest pests.
Winters will become more dangerous. Mountain areas will experience higher temperatures, forcing the animals and plants to migrate to higher altitudes, endangering their species. The Mediterranean region will have more droughts, more forest fires, and fewer rains. The temperatures in the Mediterranean were some of the most transparent ways in which we saw the effects of climate change.
Various scientific researches reports an increasing number of hot days and hot nights, and extreme heatwaves. It is one of the most critical areas for such climate development, and it is a climate change hot spot. Coastal regions will have a higher sea surface temperature, and many of the marine species will migrate in the north parts of the sea, resulting in more marine dead zones.
How Is The Tourism Of Europe Changing?
The boreal region will have more crops, less energy expenditure because there will be less need for heating and generally more summer tourism. This is where countries in the mountain areas will suffer because they thrive on ski tourism, and the rise of the temperatures will leave its mark. Many complications might arise in the Mediterranean region, especially with competition for water.

More water will be needed for agriculture, which will result in fewer crops and various difficulties concerning livestock production. Energy will also be a problem since air-conditioning will become a permanent solution for multiple households and objects. Even though the regions in the Mediterranean might have more tourism throughout the year, the summer period will probably experience a significant decline because of the heat extremes.
How Do We Need To Change?
Other than the general guidelines in changes regarding the ecosystems and economy, it is still hard to say how exactly climate change influences and will influence European society in the long run. Nonetheless, we are now aware that the challenges of climate change are a significant cause for concern and need to be appropriately addressed as soon as possible.
People need to raise awareness both globally and locally and create effective adaptation strategies that will include different and innovative processes of thinking about climate change. Some of the changes do start with individual households since contributing to small actions will make a difference. In the meanwhile, turn off the water while you brush your teeth!