What Is The Capital City Of Myanmar?

The Southeast Asian nation of Myanmar occupies an area of 676,578 square kilometers and houses a population of about 54 million inhabitants. The country is bordered by Thailand and Laos to the east and India and Bangladesh to the west. It shares its northern and northeastern borders with China. Myanmar also has a long coastline along the Andaman Sea and the Bay of Bengal. Naypyidaw is the capital city of Myanmar.
What Type Of Government Does Myanmar Have?
The country is a unitary parliamentary republic. The constitution of the country has been drafted three times since its independence. The current constitution was drafted in 2008 by the then military rulers of the country. Today, the military continues to have a strong influence on the country’s government. The President of Myanmar serves as the head of the executive wing of the government. The bicameral legislature comprises of members of whom 25% are appointed by the military and the rest are voted by the people. The Amyotha Hluttaw is the upper house of the legislature and has 224 members. The Pyithu Hluttaw is the lower house with 440 members.
What Is The Capital Of Myanmar?
Naypyidaw is the capital city of Myanmar. Unlike most other capital cities of the world, Naypyidaw is not the largest city in the country, a title that is held by Yangon, the former capital city. It is unique in the country in the sense that it is an entirely planned city which is not part of any state or region of the nation. Naypyidaw occupies an area of 7,054.37 square km and hosts a population of 924,608. The population density here is 131.1 persons per square km.
Where Is Naypyidaw Located?
The capital city is located between the two mountain ranges of the Bago Yoma and the Shan Yoma. Two massive dams, the Chaungmagyi Dam and the Ngalaik Dam are located a few kilometers to the north and south of the city, respectively.
History Of Naypyidaw
Naypyidaw has a short history. It was founded only recently in 2002 on a greenfield site located close to Pyinmana at a distance of about 320 km from Yangon, the former capital city of Myanmar. The construction of the city was commissioned by the then military government of the country. At least 25 construction companies were hired to carry out the activity. As soon as the city came to shape, the government quietly moved the administrative capital from Yangon to Naypyidaw. The shift happened on November 6, 2005. No reason for this shift was provided by the government. The name of the new city was formally announced on March 27, 2006. The construction of the city continued and ended in 2012.
Role Of Naypyidaw As The Capital Of Myanmar
As the seat of the national government of Myanmar, Naypyidaw is the meeting place of the Union Parliament. The highest judicial organ of the country, the Supreme Court, is also located here. The Presidential Palace, the official residences of the Cabinet, and other important government ministries and military headquarters are all located in the city.