What Is The Capital Of San Marino?

Where Is San Marino?
The Republic of San Marino is a tiny country or enclaved microstate in Europe. The country, located on the Italian Peninsula, is surrounded by Italy. The microstate lies to the Apennine Mountains’ northeastern side. It occupies an area of about 61 square km and houses 33,562 people only.
What Is The Capital Of San Marino And Where Is It Located?
The City of San Marino is the capital of the Republic of San Marino. Unlike most capital cities, however, the city is not the largest city of the country. Instead, Serravalle is San Marino’s most populated city. The City of San Marino is based on the Monte Titano’s western slopes. It houses a population of 4,128 people.
History Of The Capital City Of San Marino
The history of the City of San Marino is as hold as the history of the country itself. In fact, in the past, the city’s territory was actually the entire republic. The city has a rich and ancient history and was founded in 301. Saint Marinus and a group of Christian refugees founded the city. These people had escaped from Roman persecution and founded Europe’s oldest republic in the form of the city. Several towers were built to guard the city against invasion. The Guaita or the first tower was built in the 11th century was known to be impenetrable and strongly guarded the residents against enemies. The Cesta or the second tower was constructed in the 13th century during the Crusades. The Montale or the third tower was completed in the 14th century. It was built on the Monte Titano’s last summit. Gradually, San Marino started expanding its boundaries with the help of land purchases and treaties but not with any invasions of surrounding lands as it was against the country’s principle to do so. Thus, San Marino grew around the City of San Marino and obtained 8 more castellis that make up the country today.
Present-Day Role Of The Capital Of San Marino
The City of San Marino is the center of the microstate’s politics, economy, culture, and education. Carving and stone extraction were the two primary sources of livelihood in the city in the recent past but the current economy is more diversified with commerce, tourism, agriculture, etc., contributing to the GDP of San Marino. Over 3 million tourists visit the City of San Marino with 85% being Italians. The Three Towers, Basilica di San Marino, Palazzo Pubblico, and more serve as historical attractions in the city. The City of San Marino is also famous for its cobblestone streets.