What Is the Capital of Victoria?

Melbourne is the capital of Victoria, Australia. The state of Victoria is incorporated into several municipalities for ease of governance and administration. There are seventy nine municipalities, including the state capital of Melbourne.
Melbourne records the highest population in the state of Victoria. The number of residents stands at 4,641,636 according to statistics from a survey carried out in the year 2016. The city was formed by a group of individuals who identified themselves as free British settlers in the year 1835 and was incorporated as an official settlement two years later. Its name was in honor of the then prime minister. The city has placed itself on the global map as the 6th most livable city in the world. This is thanks to aspects like political stability, a growing economy, developed infrastructure and a peaceful co-existence between the residents.
Development in Melbourne
The city has seen massive investments from private players as well as the government. The subsequent effects of this has been decent and improved infrastructure. From modern roads, railway lines, health facilities, sport facilities especially the spectacular artistic stadia, research facilities and tourism facilities. This development to some extent can be pegged on the international events that this city has been privileged to host. The city was lucky to host the summer Olympics of the year 1956 and the commonwealth games of 2006. This had a direct impact on the infrastructure. World records state Melbourne as the city with the largest tram network.
Melbourne spearheads the education sector in Australia by having several learning institutions which are fully equipped. The city has seven public universities making it rank among the world's top cities to be a student in. The city play host to several international students due to its education capacity.
The economy derives its driving force from several sectors with the main key players in this being the service industry, manufacturing, research, technology, education, transport and tourism. Tourism especially has been a great source of foreign exchange for the city, state and country at large. The city is home to several headquarters belonging to different corporations executing their operations in the country. The country’s main seaport that handles most of the country’s exports and imports is seated in Melbourne. The financial sector has become a key in job creation in the city with numerous households earning their income from this sector.