What Is The Ethnic Composition Of Delaware?

Delaware is the 6th least populous state occupying a land area spanning 5046.7 square kilometers. Delaware is home to 971,180 inhabitants in 2018. Delaware is comprised of many ethnic groups. Before the European colonists settled in Delaware, the area was occupied by Algonquian native peoples. Today, the major ethnic groups of Delaware are white (Hispanic or non-Hispanic), black, Chinese, Filipino, Native American, mixed, and others. Delaware has seen an increase in its population since 2000. The population of people of Asian background and Hispanic background doubled in size while the population of black Americans increased by 36%. The white population increased more gradually by 11%.
The Ethnic Composition Of The Population Of Delaware
White Americans comprise the majority of the population in Delaware at 74.6%. The population is 584,773 people. White people in Delaware considered either Hispanic or non-Hispanic.
The population of African Americans in Delaware is 150,666, or 19.2% of the whole population. Delaware is one of the top 10 US states with the highest number of black Americans.
Asian-Americans in Delaware number 16,259 comprising 2.1% of the Delaware population. People of Asian heritage have become one of Delaware’s fastest-growing minority communities.
There are about 7,000 people who identify as Chinese in Delaware. There are 4,100 Native Americans in Delaware.
There are around 3,300 people of Filipino heritage living in Delaware. People who identify with one or more race account for 1.8% of the whole population which is about 9,533 people.
Future Population Predictions
Forecasters predict that by 2060, Delaware will rank as the 14th most diverse state in the country. The population of Delaware is expected to reach 1 million by 2020.