What Is The State Flower Of North Dakota?

North Dakota is located in Midwestern and northern regions of the United States. It is the country’s 19th largest state by area and 4th smallest by population. North Dakota along with South Dakota got admitted to the Union on November 2, 1889. The state uses several symbols to represent its uniqueness, resolve, determination, belief, and diversity. One such symbol is a flower. North Dakota has designated the wild prairie rose as its official state floral emblem.
Selecting a State Flower
The colors of the wild rose were chosen as the official colors of the University of North Dakota in 1889 by the first graduating class. The choice was based on the fact that the colors suggested the graduates’ green prairie and rosy prospect. In 1898, a campaign was launched to choose the state’s floral emblem. Among the options was the wild prairie rose which was overwhelmingly voted for by the North Dakota school children. It also received massive support from the North Dakota Federation of Women’s Club. Following the result, a bill was sponsored to name it the state flower by Senator Louis B. Hanna. The wild prairie was approved by the North Dakota lawmakers and officially became the official floral emblem of the state on March 7, 1907.
Description of the Wild Prairie Rose
The wild prairie rose is a brightly colored flower. It has five bright pink petals yellow stamen at the center. The tree shrub grows up to 1.5 feet tall. It has green alternate, compound leaves. The flower bloom from June to late summer. Wild prairie rose spread aggressively and is not suitable for landscape planting. There are three species of the wild prairie rose; Rosa arkansana, Rosa blanda, and Rosa pratincula. The name Rosa arkansana is derived from Arkansas River in Colorado. It is grown as an ornamental flower. The wild prairie rose is native to central North America, although it is concentrated in the Rocky Mountains and the Appalachian Mountains. It grows along the North Dakota roadsides, native meadows, and pastures. From Fargo to Red River to Grand Forks and Bismarck, the flower can be found in abundance in the state. It is normally picked by the residents because of its scent. The beautiful flowers are also found in other states including South Dakota, Minnesota, and Missouri.
Uses of Wild Prairie Rose
The wild prairie rose flower is a useful plant that has several benefits apart from the sweet scent. It can be used as food, animal feed, food additive, fuel, medicine, bee plant, and even poison. As a medicine, the plant can be used to address several health issues such as stress emotional or mental disorder. Some specialist suggests that the essence from wild rose prairie can help to transform attitude, emotions, or patterns of behavior to enhance growth, development, and awareness.