What Type of Trees Make the Best Christmas Trees?

In the 16th century, Martin Luther became the pioneer of bringing Christmas trees to the house and decorating them. Today, people use several types of trees for this purpose. Fir trees, pine trees, spruce trees, cypress trees, and cedar trees are popular Christmas tree types. People like to decorate the trees with lights, ornaments, sweets, and Christmas gifts.
5. Fir Trees

Traditionally, the pagans and Christians used the fig tree during the celebration of winter festivals. The species of fir trees considered best for Christmas purposes include Nordmann Fir, Noble Fir, Fraser Fir, Douglas Fir, Spanish Fir, and Balsam Fir. These types of fir trees are suitable since they have aromatic foliage. They also do not shed many of their needles when they get dry. The Balsam Fir is short, but has dense branches which enable people to decorate it for Christmas. The Spanish Fir is best fit for Christmas when it is still young and has a conical shape. As it matures, it loses its conical shape. Additionally, the Douglas Fir has fine needles and a lovely scent. It can also hold many ornaments and strands of lights. Many years ago, the Germans called the fir trees “Paradise trees.” They hung apples on them to have the picture of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Today, Christians use the tree as a symbolism of the eternal life they await.
4. Pine Trees

Most pine trees are evergreen and bear corns. They are native to North America. The pines have great aesthetic value not only in every day life, but also during the Christmas season. Pine tree species such as Scotch Pine and Virginia Pine are commonly used as Christmas trees. The reason for this is that they have stiff branches which can hold heavy ornaments. Furthermore, their needles stay green for about four weeks. When the needles dry, they do not fall. Another significant reason why pine trees are great for Christmas tree lovers is that they have aromatic scent. The White Pine may be used during Christmas, but its branches are weak. Thus, it can only hold light decorations.
3. Spruce Trees

People harvest spruce trees during winter for Christmas tree purposes. They like them because of their evergreen nature and conical shape. In fact, most artificial trees today are made in the likeness of the spruce trees. However, they shed their leaves when kept in an indoor warm and dry environment. The most common spruce species for Christmas is the Colorado Blue Spruce. The tree grows to up to six feet and is normally used in landscaping. However, its delightful blue color and cone shape makes it beautiful for Christmas occasions. Another type of spruce for Christmas is the White Spruce. This spruce has very strong branches that people can hang heavy ornaments on. However, the White Spruce has an unpleasant odor and does not hold its needles for long.
2. Cypress Trees

The Leyland Cypress is the species of cypress that people popularly used for Christmas. Since it does not produce sap like pines or fir, the tree is best suited for those with sap allergy. Its leaves are dark green in color, very soft, and have little aroma. They have a beautiful pyramid shape and hold their needles for many weeks after the Christmas holidays. Furthermore, the foliage of the trees differs from one cultivar to the other making them unique. The Leyland Cypress is the most desired type of tree for Christmas by those living in southeastern states of the United States. Besides Leyland Cypress, however, there are also other species which people use for Christmas. They include Arizona Cypress and Blue Pyramid Cypress.
1. Cedar Trees

Cedar trees are also an excellent choice for Christmas trees. The most famous species for this purpose is the Eastern Red Cedar which is native to the southern US. They are preferred to other cedar species because of their piney aroma, natural pyramid crown, and its ease of maintenance. The needles of the red cedar are dark and green in color. They are also shiny and prickly. Another species of cedar is the Deodar or Himalayan Cedar, native to the Himalayas. The tree can also be used as a Christmas tree. The needles of Deodar Cedar are bluish green and short.