Where Is The Headquarters Of Delta Air Lines?

Delta Air Lines is a major airline in the US. This airline’s headquarter is located in Atlanta, Georgia. The airline and its subsidiary such as Delta Connection boast of 5,400 daily flights and serves over 320 destinations across 52 countries. Apart from Atlanta, Delta has other eight hubs including Salt Lake City, Boston, Los Angeles, New York (JFK), New York (LaGuardia), Minneapolis, Seattle, and Detroit. The airline is the second-largest in the world by scheduled flight passengers carried and the size of the fleet. Delta Air Line is one of the founding members of the SkyTeam airline alliance.
Origin Of The Airline
Delta’s journey to a global airline started in the 1920s when the aviation and agricultural efforts came together to try and find a solution to the boll weevil infestation which was a major threat to cotton crops at the time. A team of researchers mainly drawn from the US Department of Agriculture and led by B R Coad loaned aircraft and pilots from the Army and improved them for aerial crop dusting operation known as Huff Daland Duster Inc. The company was established in March 1925 in Macon Georgia, becoming the world’s first aerial crop dusting company. In the summer of the same year, the company was relocated to Monroe, Louisiana. In 1928, a group of investors led by C. E Woolman acquired the Huff Daland Duster assets and established a new company known as Delta Air Service (named after the Delta Region). The new airline was incorporated in December 1928 and was headquartered in Monroe, Louisiana. It began passenger operations in June 1929 and expanded its route eastwards to Atlanta in 1930.
Change Of Headquarters To Atlanta
In October 1930 Delta Air Service was forced to terminate its services after the “Spoil Conference” in which the airmail contract for the routes pioneered by the company was awarded to a rival airline. It suspended its passenger services and sold its assets to the competitor. C. E. Woolman, Travis Oliver (a local banker), and other local investors repurchased Delta Air Service’s crop dusting assets and named the new company Delta Air Corporation. In 1934, the company secured a mail contract and begun operating as Delta Air Lines. In 1941, Delta Airline moved its headquarter from Monroe to Atlanta, Georgia. Atlanta is currently the airline’s headquarters with no plans of relocating to another city or state.
Inside Delta’s Headquarters
Delta’s headquarters in Atlanta is as busy as any company’s headquarters with several activities going on to ensure successful company operations. The Operations and Customer Center houses a team of specialists including meteorologists who monitor flights and decides when a flight is to be canceled due to poor weather. Also, teams from various departments share updates and discuss anything and everything that could disrupt operations including world news, spare airplanes available, staffing, and weather. The CEO is always on standby to offer guidance and direction to the team. Other Delta’s facilities in Atlanta include Sky Club and TechOps. The company has a fleet of 914 aircraft, manufactured by Boeing, Airbus, and McDonnell Douglas.