Why Is The Zero Discrimination Day Celebrated?

Over many years, discrimination based on such issues as gender, race, ethnicity, geographical location, and many others has been on the rise. In the process of ensuring equality, many governments as well as non-governmental organizations, have come up with various measures. The Zero Discrimination Day has its roots in ending inequality before the law. The United Nations (UN) set up this day to create a platform on which equality among various people within the member states is enhanced. In particular, the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV and AIDS (UNAIDS) has embarked on policies aimed at minimizing discrimination against people living with AIDS.
History Of Zero Discrimination Day
Zero Discrimination Day was first launched in Beijing, China, on February 27, 2014. However, the first celebration of this day was later held on March 1, that year. The primary objective of launching this day was to encourage the people with HIV/AIDS and to sensitize the public on the need to support such people.
The United Nations has been the focal point of trying to eradicate diseases in the member countries. The UNAIDS, in particular, has come up with various campaign strategies and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) aimed at eliminating the disease by 2030. The strategy employed by the organization are targeted at such issues as ending of poverty, hunger, as well as ensuring quality education among other topics.
Aims of Zero Discrimination Day
The main reason why Zero Discrimination Day was established was to ensure equality before the law. There has been widespread discrimination against people based on religion, race, gender, educational background, and health among other values. Through the establishment of Zero Discrimination Day, the UN seeks to unite people in member countries and treat them equally before the law. In recent years, health discrimination against people living with HIV and AIDS has been on the rise due to myths and misconceptions. As a result, victims have been stigmatized and left out in communal affairs.
Achievements of Zero Discrimination Day
Since its inception in 2014, Zero Discrimination Day has made some remarkable steps towards reducing discrimination. Many member countries have used this day as a platform to air their grievances on issues hindering equality. In India, campaigners have come out to voice their complaints especially against the laws which discriminate LGBTI community. The rules contained in the Indian constitution discriminate homosexual people. Another country which has utilized this day in Liberia. The National AIDS in Liberia, through its chairman, has urged people not to victimize people living with HIV/AIDS. Another remarkable achievement was the UNDP’s campaigns in 2017 for proper treatment of LGBTI people and those living with HIV and AIDS.
Challenges of Zero Discrimination Day
Although Zero Discrimination Day has made some progress, there have been some challenges hindering its strategies. Political differences in member countries have played a significant role in slowing down UN activities. Such varying political ideologies do not provide a conducive environment for campaigns against discrimination. Besides, poverty in some member countries is prevalent thus people in such regions cannot access services offered during this day. Due to lack of quality education, many people are not aware of their rights.