Why This Missouri Town Deserves More Attention
The town of Arrow Rock has been an undeniable pioneer for historic preservation in Missouri. The entire town was designated as a historic landmark in 1963 due to its role in westward expansion, a rare distinction that continues to attract visitors today. However, the town’s history stretches back much further. The Arrow Rock Bluff has served as a significant landmark for Indigenous groups for generations, with archaeological evidence indicating Native American presence for nearly 12,000 years. The area drew a large number of immigrants from Virginia, Kentucky, and Tennessee after the War of 1812, with the town officially founded in 1829 on a bluff above a major ferry crossing.
Visitors today can immerse themselves in the town’s earlier days by enjoying a beer at its 19th-century tavern, admiring the log work of an 1835 cabin, or learning about the works of George Bingham, one of the country’s most renowned 19th-century artists. So get ready to dive into some of the best-preserved pieces of Missouri’s past in the small town of Arrow Rock and learn why this town deserves more attention.
J. Huston Tavern

The J. Huston Tavern is a prominent part of Arrow Rock, as it marked the beginning of the state’s historic preservation efforts. The history of the tavern itself dates back to 1834, when Joseph Huston, Sr., an early settler, built it as a four-room, two-story home for his family. As thousands of pioneers passed the home traveling westward, Huston began offering meals and lodging to both travelers and local residents. By the mid-1800s, the tavern was expanded to include a mercantile and ballroom, later followed by the addition of a large dining area and kitchen in 1955.
Today, travelers can visit this historic tavern for themselves, enjoying a hearty Sunday brunch or weekend dinner. The tavern also hosts occasional concert dinners, which include a fried chicken buffet before the performance begins.
George Caleb Bingham Home

One of the country’s greatest 19th-century artists resided in Arrow Rock during the mid-1800s, leaving behind his home for travelers to visit today. After being displaced from their town of Franklin, Missouri, Bingham’s family moved to Arrow Rock in 1829 when he was a child. Bingham got married and purchased his first home in Arrow Rock in 1837, which became a National Historic Landmark in 1965 and still stands at the intersection of High and First Streets.
Travelers can visit this Federal-style home on a walking tour of the town, appreciating the inspiration behind his portraits of river life and politics. Bingham’s works are widely recognized for depicting Midwestern waterway life in an era before photography was used to capture stories.
John P. Sites Jr. Gunsmith Shop

The John P. Sites Jr. Gunsmith Shop has been a staple in town since 1844 when Johnny Sites became the town's trusted gunsmith and one of the most talented artisans in the US. At the shop, Sites would repair guns, convert flintlocks to percussion rifles, and sell materials like lead, balls, caps, and powder. The spirit of the gunsmith shop continues to live on, with professional gunsmith Tyler Sydebotham offering live demonstrations.
Travelers can watch Sydebotham at work each Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. This historic gunsmith shop is the only one in the country where a trained gunsmith continues to make guns using traditional methods!
Black History Museum

The Black History Museum of Arrow Rock is housed in Brown Lodge No. 22 of the Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, the town’s first established Black lodge, which dates back as far as 1877. At one time, Arrow Rock had four Black lodges and three lodge halls, but Brown Lodge is the only one that continues to stand.
These lodges played a vital role in supporting their members before welfare and insurance existed while also assisting juvenile groups and women’s auxiliaries. Although Brown Lodge ceased operations in the mid-20th century due to the Great Depression, it has since been restored as a self-guided museum that explores Arrow Rock’s Black history.
Shelby Log Cabin

Although the Shelby Log Cabin is a significant landmark in Arrow Rock today, it was not originally located in the town. This cabin dates back to 1835 and was once part of a larger cabin home in the Shelby Neighborhood, about six miles southwest of Arrow Rock. The cabin consists of squared, stacked logs that were reinforced with lathe and plaster, which was a typical style for log cabins of this era.
In 1972, Roberta Lanier Smith, one of the great-granddaughters of the original builders, donated the structure to the Friends of Arrow Rock. The organization chose to relocate the cabin to Arrow Rock, hiring carpenter J. Logan Buntin to dismantle it log by log and rebuild it at its current site in town.

While these landmarks are some of the most iconic in Arrow Rock, there are so many more to discover on your own. Other impressive stops to add to your itinerary include the Print Shop Museum, an 1872 Christian church, and an 1830s courthouse. The town also holds frequent events, which range from educational lectures to Easter egg hunts and quilt camps, so make sure to check out Arrow Rock's calendar before planning your trip. Regardless of the time of year, you are sure to have an abundance to explore in Arrow Rock!