Where is Canada?

Located in the continent of North America, Canada covers 9,093,507 square kilometers of land and 891,163 square kilometers of water, making it the 2nd largest nation in the world with a total area of 9,984,670 square kilometers.
Canada became an independent state in 1867, after gaining its sovereignty from The United Kingdom. The population of Canada is 34,300,083 (2012) and the nation has a density of 4 people per square kilometer.
The currency of Canada is the Canadian Dollar (CAD). As well, the people of Canada are refered to as Canadian.
The dialing code for the country is 1 and the top level internet domain for Canadian sites is .ca.
Canada shares land borders with only one country, United States Of America.
To learn more, visit our detailed Canada section.
Quick facts
Population | 34,300,083 |
Density | 3.8 / km2 ( 9.8 / mi2 ) |
Languages | English, French |
Independence Year | 1867 |
Capital | Ottawa |
Currency | Canadian Dollar |
GDP | 1,790,000,000,000 (2014 data) |
GDP per Capita | 52,186 (2014 data) |
Land Area | 9,093,507 km2 (3,511,021 mi2) |
Water Area | 891,163 km2 (344,080 mi2) |
Neighbouring Country | The United States Of America |
Minimum Longitude | -141.000 |
Maximum Longitude | -52.620 |
Mininum Latitude | 41.710 |
Maximum Latitude | 83.210 |
What is the capital of Canada?

Ottawa is the capital city of Canada. It has a population of 812,129, and is located on a latitue of 45.41 and longitude of -75.7.
Ottawa is also the political center of Canada, which is considered a Constitutional Monarchy, and home to its Ceremonial head of state.
Quick Facts About Ottawa, the Capital Of Canada
City | Ottawa |
Country | Canada |
Population | 812,129 |
Longitude | -75.69812000 |
Latitude | 45.41117000 |
Elevation | 71 meters over sea level |
Most popular cities in Canada
Rank | City | Population |
#1 | Toronto | 2,600,000 |
#2 | Vancouver | 1,837,969 |
#3 | Montreal | 1,649,519 |
#4 | Calgary | 1,019,942 |
#5 | Ottawa | 812,129 |
#6 | Edmonton | 712,391 |
#7 | Mississauga | 668,549 |
#8 | North York | 636,000 |
#9 | Winnipeg | 632,063 |
#10 | Scarborough | 600,000 |
#11 | Quebec | 528,595 |
#12 | Hamilton | 519,949 |
#13 | Brampton | 433,806 |
#14 | Surrey | 394,976 |
#15 | Laval | 376,845 |
#16 | Halifax | 359,111 |
#17 | Etobicoke | 347,948 |
#18 | London | 346,765 |
#19 | Okanagan | 297,601 |
#20 | Victoria | 289,625 |