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  3. The United States of America/
  4. Alaska/
  5. Hoonah Angoon Borough

Where is Hoonah Angoon Borough, Alaska?

location of Hoonah Angoon county on a map

Hoonah Angoon Borough is a county equivalent area found in Alaska, USA.

With a total 24,766.03 sq. km of land and water area, Hoonah Angoon Borough, Alaska is the 31st largest county equivalent area in the United States. Home to 2,082 people, Hoonah Angoon Borough has a total 1756 households earning 49545 on average per year.

Hoonah Angoon Borough, Alaska offers the following attractions to visitors: Admiralty Island NM, Glacier Bay NP & Preserve

Hoonah Angoon Borough, Alaska - Quick Facts

FIPS Code 2105
Area Codes 907
Time Zone PST-1
Major Cities Hoonah (population: 769), Angoon (population: 474), Gustavus (population: 437), Tenakee Springs (population: 131), Elfin Cove (population: 118), Pelican (population: 102)
Land Area 804 sq miles
Water Area 6,551 sq miles
Household Income $49,545
Housing Units 1,756
Median Home Value $200,500
High School Grads 88% of population
Holders of Bachelors Degrees 27% of population
Retail Spending $23,610 per capita
Food & Accomodation Sales $20,660 per capita

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This page was last updated on June 30, 2016.