5 Most Rattlesnake Infested Areas in Alabama
Rattlesnake sightings in Alabama are on the increase. Not because their populations are expanding but because their habitats are shrinking — bringing them into contact with people more often. Given this uptick in reptile encounters, it’s a good idea to know your vipers before visiting.
If you’re hiking the trails, camping, or simply exploring the beautiful Alabama landscape, keep an eye out for large, thick-bodied snakes with triangular heads and a rattle on their tail. There are three species of rattlesnakes in Alabama: the Timber Rattlesnake, Crotalus horridus, the Pygmy Rattlesnake, Sistrurus miliarius, and the Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake, Crotalus adamanteus.
The latter two are the most rare and very uncommon in most areas of the state. The Timber Rattlesnake, however, is found everywhere except in the very southernmost region of Alabama. Its preferred habitat is upland and lowland areas including hardwood forests, rocky outcrops, pine flatwoods, and cane thickets. They hibernate in dens during the winter, choosing rock crevices, stumps, and other concealed hiding places.
Oak Mountain

There have been several incidents of visitors being bitten by rattlesnakes at Oak Mountain State Park near Birmingham. However, these encounters generally involve people who provoke or try to pick up the snake. Being mindful of your surroundings in the park will help you avoid any nasty bites. If you’re exploring the paths, wear boots that cover your ankles, watch where you step, and never reach into any dark crevices such as under logs, in leaf litter, or between rocks.
Alabama’s largest park, Oak Mountain, contains over 100 miles of hiking and biking trails, birding platforms, boardwalks, lakes, and more. Highlights include the Treetop Interpretative Nature Trail and the beautiful beach at Double Oak Lake.
Conecuh National Forest

Conecuh National Forest, Alabama. Editorial Credit: Darwin's Jackal via Flickr
Conecuh National Forest along the Alabama-Florida border boasts some of the best Coastal Plain habitat in Alabama and includes many environments perfect for rattlers, including upland pine and hardwood forest. Don’t let that dissuade you from getting to know the park, however. This scenic preserve is a popular spot for hiking, biking, camping, fishing, and boating. It covers the Blue Lake Recreation Area and Open Pond Recreation Area, both of which are paradise for birders. Along with birds, you may see some larger wildlife, such as deer or wild turkeys. Look out for the group shelter at Open Pond, built by the Civilian Conservation Corps in the 1930s.
Cheaha State Park

Home to the highest point in Alabama, Cheaha State Park is the oldest park in Alabama and also one of the largest, covering the Appalachian Mountains, Talladega National Forest, and the Cheaha Wilderness. With wide expanses of pristine wilderness and varied habitats, including forest, granite boulders, rocky bluffs, and tree-lined slopes, it’s the perfect place for rattlesnakes to hunt, feed, breed, and hibernate. Park rangers host regular programs to educate visitors about the park’s wildlife, including the many snake species that call it home. If you see a rattlesnake while visiting, mark its location and inform a ranger so they can safely remove it.
Little River Canyon

Timber Rattlesnakes are often seen at Little River Canyon National Preserve in the Southern Appalachians, where they hang out on the trails, the river banks, and rocky areas. Little River flows along the top of Lookout Mountain, offering spectacular views and beautiful recreation areas. The preserve contains a variety of ecosystems, including forested uplands, waterfalls, canyon rims and bluffs, pools, boulders, and sandstone cliffs. Rattlesnakes are protected in the preserve, and it is illegal to harm them. Visitors to the park should be careful to stay on designated trails and keep their pets leashed at all times.
Natchez Trace Parkway and National Scenic Trail

Over 40 different species of reptiles live along the Natchez Trace Parkway, including the Timber Rattlesnake, also known as the Canebrake Rattlesnake. The parkway is a scenic drive and trail network that follows a historic travel corridor used by American Indians, European Settlers, Pioneers, and others as they made the trek across the country. In Alabama, it runs 33 miles from the Tennessee state line to the Mississippi state line. Today, visitors come to the Trace to hike, bike, ride horseback, or simply enjoy the scenery and soak up its 10,000-year-old history. Although encounters with rattlers are rare, you’re most likely to see one in woodland areas with water sources nearby.
Be Snake Smart

Snakes are scary, sure, but they’re also fascinating creatures that play a valuable role in their ecosystem. Although rattlesnake venom can be seriously harmful to humans, sometimes even fatal, this shy species is rarely aggressive and will only strike when they feel they have no choice. That’s why it’s important to keep your distance if you see one, give it space, and never touch or interfere with it in any way.
A rattlesnake’s tail rattles as a warning sign when they feel vulnerable, so it’s usually an indicator that they are getting ready to make a defensive move. If you hear the rattle but don’t see the snake, freeze. You might be too close for comfort. Wait until you can locate the snake before slowly moving away. If you’re vacationing during the warmer months, be aware that this is when rattlesnakes like to sunbathe. They’re also active in the shoulder seasons of spring and fall but become dormant in winter.
With some sensible precautions and a little knowledge, it’s possible for us to happily share the wilds with these amazing reptiles who, scientists believe, have been around for over 10 million years.