6 Most Shark Infested Beaches In California
The California coast has somewhat of a reputation for being a haven for sharks. And not just any sharks, but the infamous great whites. These apex predators can reach impressive sizes, with adult females averaging between 13 to 16 feet (up to 21!) and males just below that. Responsible for the majority of unprovoked human attacks, these apex predators strike fear into the hearts of many.
A combination of factors contributes to California's status as a hotspot for great whites, highlighting the need for human awareness and respect for marine life. California's diverse marine ecosystems, favorable water temperatures (particularly in the Fall), and unique underwater landscapes create an ideal habitat for these toothy predators, particularly their young. The area's kelp forests, underwater canyons, and relatively high population of sea lions and seals allow young great whites to thrive, honing their hunting skills away from larger predators.
The following article is dedicated to these fascinating predators, highlighting several of California's beaches with a higher population. The article is not meant to deter you from visiting these gorgeous stretches of coast but rather to raise awareness.
Let's get into it, shall we?
What You Need to Know About Great Whites

Before we go over some of California's more "sharky" beaches, there are a few things you need to know about great whites.
The subject of these predators often strikes fear into the hearts of those involved. It is difficult to separate the term "great white" from thoughts of violent attacks leaving people lifeless or, at least, without some limb or another. And it's true. That does sometimes happen. But here's the catch.
Great white sharks aren't really after humans. Here's what you need to know:
- Humans aren't very tasty: Compared to a sea lion or seal, humans are scrawny and unappetizing. This means that if you happen to be the one in 136 million who gets bitten, the bite will be just that. A bite. The attacker will quickly realize you are not the prey they are looking for and move on. That's not to say that great white attacks are not extremely dangerous and sometimes fatal. Still, it is heartening to know that these aquatic beasts are not trying to eat you.
- Sharks are curious creatures: Even though sharks know humans are not going to make a good meal, they are extremely curious creatures, and they use their mouths to explore. The movie scene of a great white torpedoing from below to swallow a surfer is next to out of the question. A more likely occurrence is that a shark encounters a kayaker, surfer, etc., on a leisurely swim through the ocean and takes a nibble to see what it's all about.
- For surfers, kayakers, and paddle boarders: These groups are at greater risk for attacks by great whites. Due to their positioning in deeper water where great whites might be perusing, they are more likely to encounter a curious shark.
- Statistics: To put things in perspective, in California, roughly 219 incidences of dangerous shark encounters have occurred since 1950. An estimated 191 of those were by great whites, 16 of which were fatal. That averages out to around 2.6 great white incidents per year, with around 8% of those being fatal.
The takeaway? Sure, you could get attacked by a great white, but the chances are extraordinarily slim. These creatures aren't out to get you, and if you stick to shallower waters, the chances of encountering a great white are next to none.
Manresa State Beach

Manresa is part of California's "Red Triangle," a geographically defined area off the coast of Northern California, specifically stretching from Point Reyes down to the Monterey Peninsula. This triangular zone is notorious for being a hotspot for great white sharks, particularly juvenile sharks, due to its rich marine ecosystems, abundant seal populations, and underwater canyons.
With sandy shores and clean waters, Manresa State Beach serves as a haven, acting as a shark nursery that supports the growth and development of young great whites before they venture into the deeper ocean.
Shark sightings at Manresa State Beach are becoming increasingly common, with local authorities and marine researchers employing various tools to monitor shark activity in the area. Boats and helicopters often patrol the waters, helping to keep beachgoers informed of any potential shark presence. Additionally, shark cams positioned along the coastline provide real-time footage, allowing both researchers and the public to observe these magnificent creatures safely from a distance.
While the presence of these juvenile sharks doesn't necessarily warrant fear, there have been a couple of attacks at Manresa over the years. In 2020, Santa Cruz surfer Ben Kelley was attacked and killed by a great white while he was surfing at the beach.
Grey Whale Cove State Beach

Grey Whale Cove State Beach is a stunning destination known for its picturesque landscapes and quality surf break. It's also a recognized hotspot for great white activity, particularly juvenile sharks. Nestled within the Red Triangle, this beach offers visitors breathtaking views of rugged cliffs and pristine sands while serving as an entry point for sharks hunting in the area. The unique combination of sandy shores and rocky terrain creates a diverse ecosystem that attracts seals, the primary prey for great whites, making it a prime hunting ground for these apex predators.
Shark sightings at Grey Whale Cove are relatively common. As such, local authorities employ monitoring efforts, including drone surveillance and shark cams, to keep beachgoers informed and safe. These tools enhance public awareness and contribute to valuable research on shark behavior and their presence in this ecologically significant area.
While it's important to remain aware of the potential for shark encounters, these animals generally show little interest in humans, focusing primarily on their abundant prey. That being said, there have been incidences of shark attacks at Grey Whale. In 2021, surfer Nemanja Spasojevic was bitten by a 6-8 foot juvenile great white while free diving for crabs along the coast. The man was hospitalized and lost a pint of blood but lived to tell the tale.
North Salmon Creek Beach

North Salmon Creek Beach is a hidden gem along the California coastline that offers breathtaking natural beauty and a unique ecosystem, making it an essential habitat for great white sharks, especially juveniles. Situated within the renowned Red Triangle, this beach boasts stunning landscapes with dramatic cliffs, rolling waves, and expansive sandy shores. With its relatively secluded atmosphere and consistent beach break, this stretch of coast attracts crowd-averse beachgoers and surfers alike.
As with other beaches in the Red Triangle, North Salmon Creek is heavily monitored by local authorities for shark activity. In recent years, said activity has become a bit concerning. There have been a couple of incidences of uncharacteristic aggression from great whites toward surfers.
In October 2021, a great white clamped down on the back of a surfer, Eric Steinley's, board, badly injuring his leg and pulling him underwater. The surfer lived, but just two months later, a group of surfers was actually chased by a great white. No one was injured, but the shark tugged on one of their leashes.
There have been other incidences of erratic great white behavior at Salmon Creek as well. All reported by surfers. Michael Casey was bitten in November 2002. So was Bernard Connor, Jr. in May of 2004. In October 2005, a great white bit Megan Halavais and pulled her below the surface. In 2019, a shark bit Katie Wilson's leash, luckily allowing her to pass unharmed.
This kind of activity is uncommon for great whites and left experts scratching their heads. The reason for the unusual behavior is still up for debate.
Morro Strand State Beach

Morro Strand State Beach, with its stunning views and serene atmosphere, is another captivating beach within the Red Triangle. This coastal area is crucial for young great white sharks, providing a nurturing environment for their development. The shallow waters at Morro Strand allow juvenile sharks to practice their hunting while honing their skills in a safe space. Visitors are often mesmerized by the landscape of towering dunes and rolling waves, making it an attractive destination for beachgoers seeking natural beauty and tranquility.
However, this gorgeous beach has also been the site of tragic incidents that have underscored the need for heightened awareness regarding shark activity. In December 2021, just two months after a surfer named Eric Steinley was attacked at North Salmon Creek Beach, bodyboarder Tomas Butterfield was fatally attacked by a great white shark while swimming at Morro Strand. This heartbreaking event served as a stark reminder of the risks present in these waters and the importance of understanding shark behavior.
In response to these incidents, local authorities and researchers have intensified efforts to monitor shark activity in the region. They have implemented shark tagging programs that allow scientists to track the movements of great whites, providing invaluable data on their behavior and migration patterns. This information helps keep aquatic adventurers informed about potential shark activity.
La Jolla

La Jolla, renowned for its breathtaking coastline and vibrant marine ecosystem, is not part of the infamous Red Triangle but remains a noteworthy location for shark activity. Great white sharks are drawn to the area due to its warm, calm, shallow waters and sandy ocean floor, which create a safe environment for pregnant females to nurture their developing embryos. This makes La Jolla an ideal spot for these apex predators to gather and give birth, enhancing the likelihood of their presence in the area.
While great whites may garner the most attention, visitors to La Jolla are much more likely to encounter leopard sharks. These beautiful creatures thrive in the area for similar reasons, favoring the shallow, warm waters that provide abundant food sources and a safe environment for growth. Leopard sharks are quite populous in La Jolla and pose no threat to humans, offering a fantastic opportunity for snorkelers and divers to observe them up close without danger.
Despite its allure, La Jolla has experienced a concerning number of shark-related incidents, with a whopping twelve documented attacks, all attributed to great whites. Some of these encounters have proven fatal, with the most recent incident occurring in June 2024, when swimmer Caleb Adams was attacked. Caleb survived, but this unfortunate event further solidified La Jolla's reputation as one of the most dangerous beaches in the Western U.S. concerning shark activity.
Researchers are actively tagging great white sharks in the area. This work helps scientists follow the sharks' movements and behavior, learning about their patterns. The goal is to inform the public about sharks and encourage safer interactions. This effort promotes a better understanding of marine life and helps create a safer environment for beachgoers.
Catalina Island

Catalina Island, like La Jolla, is not part of the infamous Red Triangle but is still recognized for its occasional shark activity. Located along the migratory route of various shark species, this enchanting island is surrounded by abundant marine life, making it an ideal habitat for sharks. The surrounding waters are rich with sea lions and seals, providing ample food sources, while the clear waters enhance visibility, making it perfect for hunting.
While sightings of great white sharks do occur, it is more common for visitors to spot leopard sharks, horn sharks, and swell sharks—species that pose no danger to humans. The clear waters of Catalina allow snorkelers and divers to enjoy close encounters with these non-threatening species. However, great whites do pass through the area, and there have been many reports of them bumping fishing boats and kayaks, as well as some more violent attacks.
In June 2021, a boy scout was bitten by a great white while kayaking, drawing attention to the potential risks associated with shark activity on the island. Several non-fatal attacks have been reported involving kayakers and paddleboarders as well, underscoring the need for awareness and respect for these majestic creatures while exploring Catalina's beautiful shores.
Over the years, researchers have collected more and more information about how these fascinating creatures navigate their environment, interact with one another, and respond to changes in their habitat. By analyzing this data, scientists hope to gain a deeper understanding of the dynamics of shark populations, which is crucial for conservation efforts and for ensuring the safety of both sharks and humans.
California's stunning coastal regions, including Manresa State Beach, Grey Whale Cove, North Salmon Creek Beach, and Morro Strand State Beach of the Red Triangle, as well as La Jolla and Catalina Island further south, each present unique environments that attract various shark species, particularly great whites.
While these areas are known for their breathtaking natural beauty and opportunities for marine exploration, they also come with inherent risks associated with shark activity. The tragic deaths at Morro Strand and La Jolla, alongside multiple non-fatal attacks reported throughout these beaches, highlight the importance of awareness and education regarding these apex predators.
Remember, this massive, ancient species is not out to get us; attack incidents are rare, but they do occur. So, as we continue to explore these beautiful beaches, it's important to remain vigilant and respectful of the ocean's inhabitants.