Famous Ghost Towns in Canada Ghost towns are towns that used to be booming but were eventually abandoned for various reasons. Here is a list of ghost towns in Canada.
How to Say I Love You in 20 Languages How to say "I love you" in various languages including French, Afrikaans, Spanish, Danish, Igbo, Swahili, Haitian Creole, and more.
The Best Countries to Start a Business In Credit availability and property registration, along with other interesting factors, enable these countries to be fantastic places to start a business.
Countries With the Highest Percentage of Rural Residents Liechtenstein, Trinidad and Tobago, Uganda, and Papua New Guinea are among the countries of the world with a significant populations living in rural areas.
Which Country Uses the Least Alternative Energy? This is a list of the lowest percentages of alternative energy use by country.
Budget Deficit By Country As Percentage Of GDP Countries across the world experience either budget surpluses or deficits, depending upon their economic policies. We look at the countries with the largest deficits as a percentage of their respective GDPs.
States With The Highest Vehicle Theft Rate Washington, the United States’ 18th largest and 13th most populated state, bears the troubling distinction of having the highest rate of motor vehicle thefts.
Countries With the Highest Suicide Rates Over the last 45 years, suicide rates have been steadily increasing. Using data provided by the World Health Organization, we analyzed the countries with the highest suicide rates in the world today.
Lowest Secondary School Enrollments In The World Over the years, several reports have indicated a wide gap between enrollment in primary and in secondary school among nations globally. This is particularly true among impoverished and war-torn countries on the African continent.