Nebraska Flag
Nebraska Flag
The flag of Nebraska was officially adopted in 1925. It features the 1867 state seal. That seal is representative of Nebraska's agricultural and industrial industries.LARGER FLAG: View this flag at 800 pixels wide here!
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Nebraska Cities, Counties & Area Codes
City | County | Area Code |
Hastings | Adams | 402 |
Neligh | Antelope | 402 |
Arthur | Arthur | 308 |
Harrisburg | Banner | 308 |
Dunning | Blaine | 308 |
Albion | Boone | 402 |
Alliance | Box Butte | 308 |
Spencer | Boyd | 402 |
Ainsworth | Brown | 402 |
Kearney | Buffalo | 308 |
Tekamah | Burt | 402 |
David City | Butler | 402 |
Plattsmouth | Cass | 402 |
Hartington | Cedar | 402 |
Imperial | Chase | 308 |
Valentine | Cherry | 402 |
Sidney | Cheyenne | 308 |
Sutton | Clay | 402 |
Schuyler | Colfax | 402 |
West Point | Cuming | 402 |
Broken Bow | Custer | 308 |
South Sioux City | Dakota | 402 |
Chadron | Dawes | 308 |
Lexington | Dawson | 308 |
Chappell | Deuel | 308 |
Wakefield | Dixon | 402 |
Fremont | Dodge | 402 |
Omaha | Douglas | 402 |
Benkelman | Dundy | 308 |
Geneva | Fillmore | 402 |
Franklin | Franklin | 308 |
Curtis | Frontier | 308 |
Cambridge | Furnas | 308 |
Beatrice | Gage | 402 |
Oshkosh | Garden | 308 |
Burwell | Garfield | 308 |
Elwood | Gosper | 308 |
Hyannis | Grant | 308 |
Spalding | Greeley | 308 |
Grand Island | Hall | 308 |
Aurora | Hamilton | 402 |
Alma | Harlan | 308 |
Palisade | Hayes | 308 |
Culbertson | Hitchcock | 308 |
Oneill | Holt | 402 |
Mullen | Hooker | 308 |
Saint Paul | Howard | 308 |
Fairbury | Jefferson | 402 |
Tecumseh | Johnson | 402 |
Minden | Kearney | 308 |
Ogallala | Keith | 308 |
Springview | Keya Paha | 402 |
Kimball | Kimball | 308 |
Crofton | Knox | 402 |
Lincoln | Lancaster | 402 |
North Platte | Lincoln | 308 |
Stapleton | Logan | 308 |
Taylor | Loup | 308 |
Norfolk | Madison | 402 |
Tryon | McPherson | 308 |
Central City | Merrick | 308 |
Bridgeport | Morrill | 308 |
Fullerton | Nance | 308 |
Auburn | Nemaha | 402 |
Superior | Nuckolls | 402 |
Nebraska City | Otoe | 402 |
Pawnee City | Pawnee | 402 |
Grant | Perkins | 308 |
Holdrege | Phelps | 308 |
Pierce | Pierce | 402 |
Columbus | Platte | 402 |
Stromsburg | Polk | 402 |
McCook | Red Willow | 308 |
Falls City | Richardson | 402 |
Long Pine | Rock | 402 |
Crete | Saline | 402 |
Bellevue | Sarpy | 402 |
Wahoo | Saunders | 402 |
Scottsbluff | Scotts Bluff | 308 |
Seward | Seward | 402 |
Gordon | Sheridan | 308 |
Loup City | Sherman | 308 |
Harrison | Sioux | 308 |
Stanton | Stanton | 402 |
Hebron | Thayer | 402 |
Thedford | Thomas | 308 |
Winnebago | Thurston | 402 |
Ord | Valley | 308 |
Blair | Washington | 402 |
Wayne | Wayne | 402 |
Blue Hill | Webster | 402 |
Bartlett | Wheeler | 308 |
York | York | 402 |
USA States
This page was last updated on August 24, 2020.