7 Cozy Vermont Destinations To Visit In 2025
Vermont is an underrated, small, and often snowy state known primarily for maple syrup. However, beneath that, there is a truly remarkable and beautiful land, one that is perfect for overnight trips to satisfy the search for something new. A worthwhile destination, Vermont has something for everyone, and it is never a bad beginning to 2025 to relax and take a comfortable trip around the Green Mountain State, known for tranquility and small-town vibes. But what else does the state have to offer? And what towns are worth visiting? Without further ado, discover seven of those cozy destinations in the great state of Vermont.

Somewhere in the mountains of Southern Vermont rests a pretty little town of white snow in the winter and a colorful cascade of reds and yellows in the fall. Grafton prides itself on its authenticity—there is no veneer of a small town or a big city attempting to capture the atmosphere of a small town; Grafton is as genuine as they come, so much so that the town still holds the occasional town meeting.
With that being said, what there is to enjoy in Grafton is wonderfully simple, like Plummer's Sugar House, which focuses on the creation of sweets and high-quality maple syrups (in the traditional Vermont style, no less). And for those nature lovers, the Grafton Community Garden is so revered and precious that it is a popular wedding spot for locals and one that many travelers come to enjoy—all in all, Grafton is a small-town charm, but even so, it is welcoming as to have lodging available for those who want to see it (such as the Inn At Woodchuck Hill Farm).

On the edge of the waters of Lake Champlain, Shelburne is a small town with a rather large reputation. Each year, it hosts a variety of events that see thousands flocking to it. And though more large events occur during the summer months (like the upcoming 2025 26th Annual Back to the Beach Night in June and the 28th Annual Summer Concert Series in July), that does not mean the town cannot be cozy when said events aren't happening. For one, what can be more cozy and relaxing than a crisp apple from the famous Shelburne Orchards? Offering ripe apple picking and in the presence of a local distillery, perhaps the view of the shore and rows of trees, along with a cool drink, is the real experience here.

For both an outdoor and educational outing, the Shelburne Museum (home to the Ticonderoga Steamboat) blends art and modern architecture along with beautiful gardens—while dedicating itself to local history, such as the history of New England, local history, native, and much more. It is anything but a stuffy time, preferring much more interactive displays as well.
Due to the number of tourists the community receives at certain times of the year, lodging is no issue. This is evidenced by hotels like the Green Mountain Suites Hotel, which are readily available for all visitors.

On a town built over and around the water of Otter Creek, water flows past many of the houses and local buildings, making for a more serene picture than one might imagine—a picture and characteristic of Vergennes that is hardly found anywhere else. It is along Main Street, branching out to West Main and Canal Street, that the residents are most accustomed to the splashes of water and beautiful scenery (such as the miniature waterfall right under Burchfield Resources LLC and some of the nearby residential homes).
A companion to the water is the architecture of 19th-century England, brought up to date with small shops and restaurants that are locally owned (such as Black Sheep Bistro) and have that welcoming, small-town liveliness. But despite the locals' vigorous energy, the atmosphere remains proper and comfortable for the traveler looking to spend time in town or the nearby Green Mountains and Lake Champlain.
Right outside the town, there is Button Bay State Park, a 253-acre wonderland of clean waters, woodland, tiny islands, and much more. A popular camping spot, especially to see the clear Vermont night sky, and even a good area for those to trace the steps of such important historical figures like Benedict Arnold (well, maybe not completely retrace those steps) who have visited the area before.
But for an in-town experience and to add a little class to the potential evening, the Vergennes Opera House is always hosting plays, operas, and even live music. The best part is that there is no shortage of proper lodgings to stay the night, such as the Emerson Guest House, a charming, small hotel a few streets away from the opera house and the heart of the town.

Manchester's motto is "so close, so Vermont" and nothing can be more accurate, because the town's best indoor and outdoor activities are close to one another, and do not consist of crazy and wild theme parks or arcades, but instead put an emphasis on history, art, and local cafés. Almost mimicking the proximity and cultural "closeness" of the whole state. That is the world of Manchester, and it has its fair share of rarities.

One of them is Hildene, better known as the Lincoln Family Home. More precisely, it is Robert Lincoln's past home, the sole child of Honest Abe and Mary Todd Lincoln. The Hildene, however, is not a museum but an active house with a lively farm that hosts special events, symposiums, and a plethora of other activities. They even dabble in land and animal conservation. Needless to say, it is one of Manchester's jewels.
Perhaps after a hearty meal at The Marsh Tavern, a historic centuries-old hotel building and restaurant, or a coffee at Manchester's very own book-filled Colburn Cafe, there is a prime oddity available, the odd duck of Manchester: There is what is known as the Museum of the Creative Process, a museum that wants to bridge the gap between science and the humanities, unlock the secrets of the unconscious, and obtain true knowledge. The museum sets up permanent exhibits based on certain themes—whether represented by sculptures or diagrams, and it is as artistic and beautiful as it is odd.
Luckily, the town has no shortlist of entertainment or lodging options. One of those lodging options is The Inn at Manchester, which is well-known for its architecture and coziness.

An astonishingly small capital, Montpelier never quite gets to the point of a city, and its tiny population of 8,000 speaks to that. Still, what it lacks in numbers, it makes up for in spirit, as Montpelier has plenty of cool spots that come with being the capital of a full-fledged state.
Firstly is the Vermont State House, which needs no introductions or explanations on why such a building is important, and then moving down the ladder a bit are all the perfect locations that capture that full Vermont culture, such as the Vermont Historical Society, whose building functions as a museum with guided tours, key items in the creation of the state's history, important documents, and the whole nine yards that any traveler and appreciator of history can enjoy.
For the more unusual and quirky, Montpelier is close to the Ben & Jerry's Flavor Graveyard —a site to pay one's respects to flavors that were taken too fast, flavors that died alone, some unwanted, and yet some that lived long and purposeful lives before meeting their demise.

The town is host to many events in 2025. Restaurant Week is hosted in February to celebrate the town's culinary arts, with Cabin Fever Weekend on the horizon during the month of March to celebrate the transition from winter to spring, and who can forget PoemCity in April, a time when downtown Montpelier becomes a "walkable anthology of poetry by Vermonters."
Though Montpelier's size may be undesirable for some, it is still the capital, so that means that the proper lodgings and accommodations are readily available. A popular one, one that is composed of two old-style Federal homes of American architecture, is The Inn At Montpelier. It is an old but warm house with a history dating back 200 years that makes for a perfect cozy stay.

A beautiful and perhaps sleepy town that relies much on its natural surroundings, Brandon is affectionately called the "Art & Soul" of Vermont. It has a very walkable downtown area filled with locally run restaurants, art galleries, and cafes. One of these is Cafe Provence, but perhaps a better-known restaurant is Morningside Bakery Wood-Fired Pizza and Provisions.
In terms of art galleries, Vermont Folk Art Gallery and the Judith Reilly Art Gallery are top choices. The former focuses on American folk art, featuring a selection of puzzles, pictures, and pieces by local Brandon artists, while the Judith Reilly Art Gallery is dedicated to the fine works of a singular artist who manages it all—from journals to mugs and pillows; her signature style is aesthetically yellow and pleasing, while simultaneously representing Brandon's lean to the artistic perspective.
Brandon is also the proud owner of multiple semi-luxury and historical inns (like Rosebelle's Victorian Inn) that, due to their location, make traversing the corners of the town much easier. Public transport is not required but is an option nonetheless, and it is especially appealing because one of the top attractions in the town is Foley Brothers, a family-run brewery that is rapidly expanding in popularity while never dipping in quality.
But getting out of town for a bit is strongly recommended, as the nearby Moosalamoo National Recreational Area has over 16,000 acres of trails, lakes, ponds, and hills. It is peak nature, the sine qua non of a trip to Brandon, filled with plenty of animals and infinite blue sky.

Split into two by Lake Memphremagog and close to Canada, Newport is a delightful small town centered around living on the water, nice harbor restaurants, and enjoying the spoils of the lake.
The lifeblood of the town, Lake Memphremagog, is open for boating, fishing, swimming, and pretty much everything else under the sun. There is even a specialty cruise for this self-proclaimed Northeastern Kingdom, and the duty of Northern Star Lake Cruises is to adventure outwards and make the traveler and local alike feel like royalty when cruising on the lake, with trips well over the Canadian border no less.
But Newport also has its artistic side, with the MAC Center for the Arts being a haven for local artists and the aspiring. It is known for its exotic art pieces, jewelry, and furniture—outstanding and delicate, and just right for being the creations of artists with touch and talent.

The town isn't shy about events either, regularly posting new and upcoming ones by the month. For the year 2025, the Bluffside Farm Snowshoe Tour on the 22nd of February combines environmentalism and adventure. The tour aims to take care of and manage the nearby forests, curtail the effects of invasive species, and much more.
Since Newport ventures on a bit of the tourist side, there are plenty of accommodations for the weary and tired traveler—some of which are near the lakeside. Vita Huset, a Swedish-inspired extended stay, is one such location where you can gaze upon Lake Memphremagog.
Why These Towns?
It is no surprise that Vermont is primarily a nature-centric state, and while that is one of its greatest strengths, what makes these destinations cozy is that there is always a place that can stand in and feel like a faraway home. It is just fitting that many of the classic houses with old-style architecture in Vermont are then renovated and turned into inns. There is a great appeal to not only the state's lovely facets like forests, national parks, mountains, and lakes but also their small towns, which give a charming and cozy feel.