Kentucky Flag
Kentucky Flag
The Kentucky flag was adopted in 1918, and after years of disagreement, was finalized in 1928. It's styled after the original Kentucky militia colors, and features the official state seal.
That seal, adopted in 1792, shows two men clasping hands in agreement. It's surrounded by the Commonwealth of Kentucky, and display the state's motto, "United We Stand, Divided We Fall."
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Seal of the State of Kentucky
Kentucky Cities, Counties & Area Codes
City | County | Area Code |
Columbia | Adair | 270 |
Scottsville | Allen | 270 |
Lawrenceburg | Anderson | 502 |
Wickliffe | Ballard | 270 |
Glasgow | Barren | 270 |
Owingsville | Bath | 606 |
Middlesboro | Bell | 606 |
Florence | Boone | 859 |
Paris | Bourbon | 859 |
Ashland | Boyd | 606 |
Danville | Boyle | 859 |
Brooksville | Bracken | 606 |
Jackson | Breathitt | 606 |
Hardinsburg | Breckinridge | 270 |
Shepherdsville | Bullitt | 502 |
Morgantown | Butler | 270 |
Princeton | Caldwell | 270 |
Murray | Calloway | 270 |
Newport | Campbell | 859 |
Bardwell | Carlisle | 270 |
Carrollton | Carroll | 502 |
Grayson | Carter | 606 |
Liberty | Casey | 606 |
Hopkinsville | Christian | 270 |
Winchester | Clark | 859 |
Manchester | Clay | 606 |
Albany | Clinton | 606 |
Marion | Crittenden | 270 |
Burkesville | Cumberland | 270 |
Owensboro | Daviess | 270 |
Brownsville | Edmonson | 270 |
Sandy Hook | Elliott | 606 |
Irvine | Estill | 606 |
Lexington | Fayette | 859 |
Flemingsburg | Fleming | 606 |
Prestonsburg | Floyd | 606 |
Frankfort | Franklin | 502 |
Fulton | Fulton | 270 |
Verona | Gallatin | 859 |
Lancaster | Garrard | 859 |
Dry Ridge | Grant | 859 |
Mayfield | Graves | 270 |
Leitchfield | Grayson | 270 |
Greensburg | Green | 270 |
Greenup | Greenup | 606 |
Hawesville | Hancock | 270 |
Elizabethtown | Hardin | 270 |
Harlan | Harlan | 606 |
Cynthiana | Harrison | 859 |
Munfordville | Hart | 270 |
Henderson | Henderson | 270 |
Eminence | Henry | 502 |
Clinton | Hickman | 270 |
Madisonville | Hopkins | 270 |
McKee | Jackson | 606 |
Louisville | Jefferson | 502 |
Nicholasville | Jessamine | 859 |
Paintsville | Johnson | 606 |
Fort Mitchell | Kenton | 859 |
Hindman | Knott | 606 |
Barbourville | Knox | 606 |
Hodgenville | Larue | 270 |
London | Laurel | 606 |
Louisa | Lawrence | 606 |
Beattyville | Lee | 606 |
Hyden | Leslie | 606 |
Whitesburg | Letcher | 606 |
Vanceburg | Lewis | 606 |
Stanford | Lincoln | 606 |
Ledbetter | Livingston | 270 |
Russellville | Logan | 270 |
Eddyville | Lyon | 270 |
Richmond | Madison | 859 |
Salyersville | Magoffin | 606 |
Lebanon | Marion | 270 |
Benton | Marshall | 270 |
Inez | Martin | 606 |
Maysville | Mason | 606 |
Paducah | McCracken | 270 |
Pine Knot | McCreary | 606 |
Calhoun | McLean | 270 |
Brandenburg | Meade | 270 |
Frenchburg | Menifee | 606 |
Harrodsburg | Mercer | 859 |
Edmonton | Metcalfe | 270 |
Tompkinsville | Monroe | 270 |
Mount Sterling | Montgomery | 859 |
West Liberty | Morgan | 606 |
Greenville | Muhlenberg | 270 |
Bardstown | Nelson | 502 |
Carlisle | Nicholas | 859 |
Beaver Dam | Ohio | 270 |
La Grange | Oldham | 502 |
Owenton | Owen | 502 |
Booneville | Owsley | 606 |
Falmouth | Pendleton | 859 |
Hazard | Perry | 606 |
Pikeville | Pike | 606 |
Stanton | Powell | 606 |
Somerset | Pulaski | 606 |
Mount Olivet | Robertson | 606 |
Mount Vernon | Rockcastle | 606 |
Morehead | Rowan | 606 |
Russell Springs | Russell | 270 |
Georgetown | Scott | 502 |
Shelbyville | Shelby | 502 |
Franklin | Simpson | 270 |
Taylorsville | Spencer | 502 |
Campbellsville | Taylor | 270 |
Elkton | Todd | 270 |
Cadiz | Trigg | 270 |
Bedford | Trimble | 502 |
Morganfield | Union | 270 |
Bowling Green | Warren | 270 |
Springfield | Washington | 859 |
Monticello | Wayne | 606 |
Providence | Webster | 270 |
Corbin | Whitley | 606 |
Campton | Wolfe | 606 |
Versailles | Woodford | 859 |
USA States
This page was last updated on August 24, 2020.