The Top Goat Milk Producing Countries in the World

Despite not being as popular as cow milk, goat milk has various benefits and nutritional values that cow’s milk lacks. In the recent past, goat rearing for milk has become a widespread economic activity and many more farmers are engaging in this activity to support their livelihood. Advantages of raising goats over cows is that they are cheaper to maintain and require lesser space compared to cows. Goats are mostly reared by the low-income or middle-income earners, and hence the name ‘poor man's cow.’ Although researchers argue that goat milk contain high amounts of saturated fats that would lead to a rapid increase in body weight, the other benefits of goat milk makes it a product worthy of consumption. Here are few countries that top the world's list of goat milk production.
Top Goat Milk Producers
India is the world’s largest producer of goat milk, with an annual production of over 5 million metric tons. Goat rearing is popular in India because of the cultural implications and taboos imposed on the cow. The number of goats in India makes almost 25% of the total livestock. Among the main breeds of goats reared in India include the Jamunapari and Beetal goats. Farmers rear goat in India mainly to obtain milk for commercial purposes. Challenges that affect goat milk production in India are the poor veterinary and medication services, ignorance on the right milk breeds, and proper management of the animals.
Coming in second in the list of top goat milk producers is Bangladesh. According to FAO, goat milk forms 62% of the total milk production in Bangladesh. Annual goat milk production in Bangladesh is over 2.5 million metric tons. Cow and buffalo milk forms 32% and 1%, respectively. Black Bengal is one of the major dairy goats in Bangladesh. Black Bengal is known to have high yields in milk if fed and taken care of properly. The milk obtained is mainly for commercial purposes and for making of traditional Bangladeshi dairy products.
Most of the rural dwellers in Sudan rear goats mainly for their milk and meat. An annual production of goat milk in Sudan stands at 1.5 million. Goat rearing has thrived in Sudan because, unlike cows, goats can comfortably survive in a dry climate like Sudan’s. The goats reared in Sudan include the desert goats and the Nilotic goat. Milk from goats in Sudan is mainly for local consumption.
Annual production of Pakistani’s milk production stands at more than 800,000 metric tons. The popular Pakistani goat breeds include Beetal, Kamori, and Barbari. Milk obtained is mainly for commercial purposes and for making dairy products. Goat rearing normally takes place in Punjab and Sindh. Challenges that are facing goat farming in Pakistan are poor veterinary services for the goats.
Benefits Of Goat Milk
Unlike the cow’s milk, goat milk causes less inflammation in the stomach. Goat milk is healthy for the heart and help reduce the chances of contracting heart diseases like heart attack and atherosclerosis. The generous amounts of proteins in goat milk promote growth and development. Goat milk contains much more calcium than any other type of milk that is ideal for strong bones.
The Top Goat Milk Producing Countries in the World
Rank | Country | Production (Metric Tonnes) |
1 | India | 5,000,000 |
2 | Bangladesh | 2,616,000 |
3 | Sudan | 1,532,000 |
4 | Pakistan | 801,000 |
5 | Mali | 720,000 |
6 | France | 580,694 |
7 | Spain | 471,999 |
8 | Turkey | 415,743 |
9 | Somalia | 400,000 |
10 | Greece | 340,000 |