The World's Top Producers of Maple Syrup

Maple syrup is extracted from the xylem syrup of the sugar maple, red maple or black maple trees. The syrup is extracted by drilling holes into the maple trees to collect the exuded sap which is then heated to remove the excess water. In this article, we will discuss the top producers of the syrup in the world.
The World's Top Producers Of Maple Syrup
Quebec, Canada
Quebec is the second-most populous province of Canada. Canada produces 71% of the world’s pure maple syrup with 91% originating from within Quebec. In 1958, maple syrup producers came up with a private organization to unite them and support their interest. The organization is known as the Federation of Quebec Syrup Producers (FPAQ). The federation is involved in marketing and maintaining a strategic reserve for maple syrup. There are several warehouses located in different rural areas of Quebec. Maple syrup production in Quebec is responsible for over 12,000 full-time jobs. There are more jobs which have been created indirectly. Maple syrup production also contributes an average annual tax revenue of $186 million.
Vermont, USA
A study done by the Vermont Maple Sugar Makers Association indicated that an average maple sugar producer in the state has 3,451 taps and produces 1,221 gallons. However, only a small number has over 5,000 taps. These farmers provide the bulk of syrup in the country. There has been a general increase in production of syrup in the past five years, especially from the large-scale producers. In Vermont, maple syrup is the primary maple product accounting for 90% of sales on average. The state government asserts that there is an enormous opportunity in Asia and Europe as maple syrup is growing in popularity in these regions. However, farmers have expressed fears that weather change may have adverse effects on maple production. Others have also pointed out that overproduction may reduce demand and hence lower profitability of the product.
Ontario, Canada
The province of Ontario is the second largest producer of maple in Canada producing close to a quarter a million gallons annually. Almost all of this is produced commercially. The Ontario Maple Syrup Producers Association is conducting research on the possible health effects the product may have on the human body.
New York, USA
New York maple production is more traditional than commercial. In 1995, maple producers started the “maple weekend” which is a chance for the public to go to the maple farms and learn about the production processes and traditions and also to taste pure maple syrup from the source. It takes place in two weekends. The public is also shown different ways to cook and bake with maple syrup.
Maine, USA
Maine produces what is arguably the sweetest maple syrup in the world. According to researchers, the sweetest maple syrup is produced where sunny days with warm temperatures follow freezing night temperatures. All the maple syrup sold in Maine is Grade A. The syrup comes in varying colors including; golden color, amber color, dark color and extremely dark color which has an adamant flavor.
Threats To The Production Of Maple Syrup
The increased popularity of the product has translated to increased demand and hence better returns to the producers. However, climatic change has dealt a huge blow to the production of the product. Researchers have concluded that global warming is threatening the production of the syrup.
The World's Top Producers of Maple Syrup
Rank | Region | Average Annual Harvest (Gallons) |
1 | Quebec, Canada | 7,989,000 |
2 | Vermont, USA | 890,000 |
3 | Ontario, Canada | 400,000 |
4 | New York, USA | 312,000 |
5 | Maine, USA | 310,000 |
6 | New Brunswick, Canada | 300,000 |
7 | Michigan, USA | 82,000 |
8 | Ohio, USA | 65,000 |
9 | Pennsylvania, USA | 54,000 |
10 | Massachusetts, USA | 29,000 |
11 | Nova Scotia, Canada | 22,000 |
12 | Connecticut, USA | 9,000 |