Where is Soho?

The name Soho and SoHo refers to totally different districts within two of the world’s most famous cities, London and New York. These names are purely coincidental with different historical and cultural backgrounds. Soho refers to London’s all-inclusive district while SoHo is the abbreviation of South of Houston street in Manhattan, New York.
Origin Of The Names
The name Soho is believed to have been used as a rallying call by James Scott (the first Duke of Monmouth) to his men at the battle of Sedgemoor in the 17th century. The area is multicultural in nature and located in Central London covering a square mile. Soho borders Leicester Square, Charing Cross and Oxford and Regent Streets. On the other hand, SoHo is in New York’s lower Manhattan area, bordering Sixth Avenue, Houston, Canal and Crosby Streets. The name was coined by Chester Rapkin, and the area’s then urban planner and author.
Shopping, Dining, And Entertainment
In Soho, people can sample some of London’s biggest boutique, fashion, records, and electronic stores. Depending on a visitor’s pocket and preference, Soho offers both expensive and down to earth rates for shopping, entertainment, and food. Big names such as Agent Provocateur lingerie and Hamleys Toy shops are found here as well as other affordable stores. There are several historic theatres such as the Prince Edward Theatre for plays, shows and musicals. Visitors have a choice to dine in the magnificent restaurants or the available cheap snack outlets. In New York's SoHo, host of the hotels, stores, and restaurants range from the middle to upper class. SoHo is known for several upscale shops, boutiques, stores as well as national and international chain stores.
Residence And Tourism
SoHo is the location of some great art galleries which were made popular by vacationers seeking fashionable clothing and exquisite architecture. It is home to some of the most expensive real estate in the US. SoHo boasts a great collection of cast-iron architecture, classy tourist hotels and exclusive clubs. In Soho, all the major parks and tourist attractions are within a few minute's walk. They include Covent Garden and the London Eye. There are affordable government residential houses in the area and a few high incomes houses.
Comparison Of The Two Locations
Soho and SoHo are evolving districts. Since their early days, these two changed from simple communities to complex multi-cultural centers. SoHo comes out as a conservative society of middle and upper-income earners while Soho is an all-inclusive, double-life, adventurous and welcoming community full of energy.