6 More of the World's Strangest Animals
These animals range from the slightly bizarre to completely baffling.
August 1, 2017 18:14
These animals range from the slightly bizarre to completely baffling.
August 1, 2017 18:14
What is a dwarf planet, and what makes it different from an ordinary planet?
August 1, 2017 18:14
In scientific terms, a eukaryote is an organism that has cells within membranes.
August 1, 2017 18:14
The Altiplano is the widest part of the Andes in west-central South America.
August 1, 2017 18:14
Mountain toucans are colorful birds belonging to four species found in the Andean region of South America.
August 1, 2017 18:14
Seven species of camelids, members of the Camelidae family survive in the world today.
August 1, 2017 18:14
Cheetahs are one of the fast disappearing wild animals of the world and the article aims to provide an estimate of the current cheetah population of the world.
August 1, 2017 18:14
Chimpanzees have already become extinct in four countries of Africa and are threatened in all other places of their existence.
August 1, 2017 18:14
Gorilla populations in most parts of their range have fallen drastically due to human activities and interference.
August 1, 2017 18:14
Tropicbirds are sea birds living and nesting in the tropical islands and oceans of the world.
August 1, 2017 18:14
There are five species of frigatebirds, seabirds found over the sub-tropical and tropical oceans of the world.
August 1, 2017 18:14
Godwits are migratory birds of the genus Limosa.
August 1, 2017 18:14
Phalaropes are birds of the family Scolopacidae and genus Phalaropus.
August 1, 2017 18:14
Coots are any of the ten species of small waterbirds of the genus Fulica.
August 1, 2017 18:14
Curlews are any of the eight species of birds of the Scolopacidae family and Numenius genus.
August 1, 2017 18:14
The Felis genus features six cat species including the favorite cat of all, the domestic cat or Felis catus.
August 1, 2017 18:14
The Leopardus genus features 8 species of small, spotted cats who are primarily found in Central and South America.
August 1, 2017 18:14
Komodo dragon is native to the Island of Komodo in Indonesia.
August 1, 2017 18:14
The African wild dog is also known as the Cape hunting dog, or the African painted dog. It is a relatively misunderstood animal who is commonly confused as a hyena.
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