

The 10 Largest Lakes In Norway

Mjøsa is the largest lake in Norway in terms of surface area, covering an area of 362 km sq. Learn more about the largest lakes in the country of Norway.

April 10, 2019 14:32

What Type Of Climate Does Ecuador Have?

The mainland of Ecuador is classified into the Sierra region, the Oriente region, and the Costa (coastal area). The majority of Ecuador has a humid and tropical climate due to its location on the equator.

April 5, 2019 14:28

What Are Crepuscular Rays?

Crepuscular rays, also known as God Rays, are rays of sunlight that appear to stream through the clouds in a specific location.

April 2, 2019 14:53

The 10 Largest Lakes In Chile

General Carrera Lake is the largest lake in Chile with a total area of 1850 square km including an area of 970 square km in the Chilean territory.

April 1, 2019 14:29

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