History And Society
10 Greatest Ancient Chinese Inventions in History
Known for its rampant innovation and large-scale industrialization, China is a behemoth in production industries.
How the Treaty of Versailles and German Guilt Led to World War II
World War I is often understood as a cause of World War II, specifically, the Treaty of Versailles is viewed as one of the main reasons for Adolf Hitler's rise
How the Troubles Began in Northern Ireland
The Troubles were a period of low-intensity warfare in Northern Ireland that occurred from the late 1960s to the late 1990s.
How Long Did It Take To Build The Egyptian Pyramids?
According to estimates, each pyramid took 15 to 30 years to be built. The varying sizes range from 1.2 million to 92 million cubic feet.
10 Reasons Why Hitler Lost WW2
German Army lost the WW2 in 1945. However, the reasons Germany lost are fascinating, making it worthwhile to investigate them further.
The Main Causes of WW1
World War One (also known as the First World War or the Great War) was arguably the most significant event of the 20th century.
What Was China's Role in WWII?
Investigating China's place in the Second World War is worthwhile since it provides a fuller picture of one of the most consequential events in world history.
World War II Fatalities By Country
World War Two was the deadliest war in human history. Between 70 to 85 million people died, either as a direct result of the conflict or due to war-related factors.
11 Most Powerful Armies in The World
In today's world, countries strive to maintain a strong army that can guarantee their security and protect them from external threats.
Countries With The Most Battle Tanks
With a vast amount of land to protect (17,098,242 Km² or roughly 11% of the world's landmass), it makes sense Russia is the country with the most tanks.
Who Were the Axis Powers in WWII?
The three most important Axis countries during World War I were Germany, Italy, and Japan, and were defeated by the Allied powers.
The Ptolemaic Kingdom
For three centuries, The Ptolemaic Kingdom was a powerful economic force until the death of Cleopatra VII in 30 BC.
The Late Middle Ages and the Decline of European Stability
The Middle Ages (roughly 500 to 1500 CE) saw a very different Europe than the one today. Rather than state rule being recognized above all else, there were competing claims of authority.
Major Battles Of World War I (WW1)
The enormity of this conflict makes capturing all of its aspects in a single article difficult. However, explaining some key battles is one way to provide a semi-thorough overview.
The World's Oldest Civilizations
To decipher the buried legends of humanity's past, one must be prepared to sift through archaeological scraps that refuse to share their secrets.
The Legacy Of The Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster
Even today, the disaster's after-effects continue to affect lives and the nuclear industry in many parts of the world.
The Red Scare and McCarthyism in the USA
McCarthy accused hundreds of federal workers of being communists, ranging from low-level bureaucrats to some of the highest-ranking government officials.
Which Country Has The Most Nuclear Weapons?
Today, nine countries are estimated to possess nuclear warheads and have been mentioned below with Russia, USA, and France having the highest number.
The World's Population By Eye Color
This guide explores the fascinating diversity of human eye colors globally, detailing their genetic origins and distribution among the world's population.