

Largest Ethnic Groups In Zambia

Zambia is an extremely ethnically diverse country, with the Bemba being the largest of its many ethnic groups.

July 30, 2018 15:05

Religion in Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia is often criticized for state-sanctioned persecution and restriction of religious freedoms of non-Muslims.

July 30, 2018 12:30

Religious Beliefs In Colombia

Colombia is an overwhelmingly Christian nation, with the Protestant subset starting to chip away at the longstanding Catholic dominance.

July 27, 2018 17:06

What Is Autism, And What Causes It?

These developmental disorders impact social interaction, behavior, and communication, and often are developed early in life.

July 25, 2018 16:21

What is a Hung Jury?

A hung jury is defined as a judicial jury that has been unable to agree on a verdict.

July 25, 2018 12:57

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