The Karakoram Highway – the "Eighth Wonder Of The World"?
The Karakoram Highway is one of the world's highest paved roads.
September 24, 2018 11:55
The Karakoram Highway is one of the world's highest paved roads.
September 24, 2018 11:55
Brazil, Russia, and the United States are home to the top three largest amounts of fresh water.
September 24, 2018 11:16
Brazil is known for its sugar production thus the title Sugar Bowl of the World.
September 21, 2018 16:56
Cantonese is a language widely spoken in China and particularly in the province of Guangdong where it is recognized as the lingua franca.
September 21, 2018 15:29
Lesotho, Vatican City, and San Marino are all enclaved countries.
September 21, 2018 15:07
Geographers use the term ecumene to refer to land permanently occupied by human beings.
September 21, 2018 14:53
The Philippines is an archipelagic country in Southeast Asia.
September 21, 2018 14:22
The Kingdom of Morocco in Africa is bordered by Spain, Algeria, and Western Sahara. Learn more about the border limits and relationships between Morocco and its neighbors.
September 21, 2018 13:23
Rhodesia refers to a territory that was located in South Africa from 1965 to 1979.
September 21, 2018 12:46
Finland has the most escape-prone prison system in Europe.
September 21, 2018 12:41
Ghana was formerly known as Gold Coast when it was a British colony.
September 21, 2018 12:37
South Africa is home to approximately 300 species of mammals and 850 species of birds.
September 21, 2018 12:27
The culture of South Africa is one of the most diverse in the world.
September 21, 2018 12:08
The Kingdom of Sweden is a country in Northern Europe.
September 21, 2018 11:59
The Lake Nyos disaster claimed the lives of 1,746 people in Cameroon.
September 21, 2018 11:51
New Hampshire, the District of Columbia, Delaware, and Nevada are all among the states who drink the most.
September 21, 2018 11:34
A superstorm is a huge, harsh, and powerful storm that usually causes damage over a large area.
September 20, 2018 17:24
British Honduras was the last British possession in the Americas which was on the eastern shores of Central America which they governed for about 102 years after declaring it their colony in 1862. British Honduras became an autonomous territory in 1964 and was renamed Belize before gaining its independence in September 1981.
September 20, 2018 17:20
Skunks are mammals native to South and North America.
September 20, 2018 17:18
The massive woolly mammoth once roamed most regions of Earth. They started to go extinct around 10,000 years ago, and totally became extinct 4,000 years ago.
September 20, 2018 17:16
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