Interesting Facts About Chile's Paniri Stratovolcano
The crater lake of Paniri is the highest place on Earth where crustaceans have been found.
July 6, 2018 11:31
The crater lake of Paniri is the highest place on Earth where crustaceans have been found.
July 6, 2018 11:31
The South Pars/North Dome Gas-Condensate field is the largest natural gas field in the world.
July 5, 2018 17:37
In the United States, the Baby Scoop Era was from around 1945 to 1973. It was characterized by a higher rate of child birth as well as a higher rate of adoptions.
July 5, 2018 16:11
Wailuku River is the longest river in the state of Hawaii.
July 5, 2018 16:00
By looking at city transport costs, average waiting time and commute time by car, train, or bus, hours in congestion, etc. to determine the cities with the best commutes.
July 5, 2018 15:56
The state of Indiana is home to 30 of the almost 600 National Natural Landmarks of the US.
July 5, 2018 15:14
The European Flag or Flag of Europe is used by the European Union and the Council of Europe.
July 5, 2018 15:06
The longest river entirely situated within Kentucky is Green River.
July 5, 2018 14:23
A number of countries use the US dollar, either exclusively or alongside their own dollar.
July 4, 2018 16:48
Green, black, white, and red are the Pan-Arab Colors.
July 4, 2018 16:36
Slovakia is a landlocked, Central European nation.
July 4, 2018 16:17
The River Tay is the longest river in Scotland, followed by the River Clyde and the River Spey.
July 4, 2018 16:07
The majority of the largest high school football stadiums in the United States are in Texas.
July 4, 2018 12:51
The Mississippi River is the longest river in the state of Louisiana.
July 3, 2018 17:16
The Summer Olympics and FIFA World Cup are the most watched games on TV.
July 3, 2018 16:36
A list of German animals including the chamois, wild boar, fire salamander, and more.
July 3, 2018 16:20
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