Where Did New York Get Its Name From?
New York was named in honor of the Duke of York.
May 18, 2018 22:32
New York was named in honor of the Duke of York.
May 18, 2018 22:32
Valley of the Moon is the largest valley in Jordan.
May 18, 2018 17:25
Zalipie has become famous for its beautiful floral painted homes and buildings.
May 18, 2018 17:13
The German Beer Purity Law (Reinheitsgebot in German) was adopted in 1516.
May 18, 2018 16:59
Hovenweep National Monument, in Colorado and Utah, was established in 1923.
May 18, 2018 16:45
There are three basic types of sedimentary rocks: classic, chemical, and organic.
May 18, 2018 10:55
Research stations built on ice in the Arctic regions is called a drifting ice station.
May 18, 2018 10:52
The Afar Triangle is located in East Africa.
May 18, 2018 10:50
Gran Colombia is the name used to describe a former state which existed between 1819 and 1931.
May 18, 2018 07:58
The Pharisees are first mentioned historically in the book of acts and the four gospels in the Bible.
May 18, 2018 07:24
Odonata refers to an order of insects, mostly consisting of dragonflies.
May 18, 2018 07:21
Most of the known species of flatworms are parasitic and can cause significant harm to humans.
May 18, 2018 07:18
Semi-periphery countries refer to countries that are considered to neither be periphery or core countries.
May 18, 2018 02:11
Celsius can be converted to Fahrenheit using a simple formula.
May 17, 2018 17:54
Peking Man was the name given to the fossil remains of a Homo Erectus.
May 17, 2018 17:37
Land grabbing is defined as the acquisition of large tracts of land either through purchase or lease.
May 17, 2018 17:20
Venice consists of 118 islands ranked by bridges.
May 17, 2018 17:02
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