World Facts


The Longest Beaches In The World

While some beaches are unique in their temperature and sand color, others stand out for their long reaches along coasts.

April 25, 2017 12:31

Countries With The Lowest Rates Of Diabetes

The lowest rates of diabetes among nations' respective adult populaces are found in Africa and former Soviet Republics, though the data can be misleading.

April 25, 2017 12:31

Top Shoe Manufacturing Countries

The two most populous countries, with billions of feet to be shod, are also those producing the most footwear annually.

April 25, 2017 12:31

Most Powerful Bombs In History

While the US has 9 of the top 10, they all pale in comparison to one USSR-produced monstrosity of a weapon.

April 25, 2017 12:31

Oldest Living Trees On Earth

When the oldest of these trees first began to grow, the global human population was less than California's today alone.

April 25, 2017 12:31

Most Malnourished Countries In The World

The lowest per capita food availability in daily calories is seen in Haiti, based on FAO data. Low energy availability can stunt growth and diminish work capacity.

April 25, 2017 12:31

Deadliest Plane Crashes In History

A bomb set off a series of events that led to almost 600 deaths at Los Rodeos Airport in Tenerife, Canary Islands in 1977.

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