Cities With the Largest Populations of Asian-Americans
As per estimates from 2016, Asian Americans make up at least 21 million of the total American population.
May 31, 2019 16:26
As per estimates from 2016, Asian Americans make up at least 21 million of the total American population.
May 31, 2019 16:26
Boa Vista has an estimated population of 375,374, ranking as the most populous city in Roraima.
May 31, 2019 15:55
Porto Velho is located in the upper Amazon River basin, along the eastern bank of the Madeira River.
May 31, 2019 15:43
Two provinces and two territories meet at the Four Corners.
May 31, 2019 15:17
A list of cities with the largest African-American populations.
May 31, 2019 12:58
41 countries recognize sign language as an official language.
May 31, 2019 12:30
São Paulo is regarded as Brazil’s financial capital.
May 31, 2019 11:57
Tanzania is home to Africa's tallest mountain and deepest lake.
May 30, 2019 17:43
Tourism is one of the biggest industries in Florianópolis.
May 30, 2019 14:49
The state of Washington has designated three aquatic state symbols.
May 29, 2019 17:36
The United Kingdom is one of the largest exporters of scallops.
May 29, 2019 17:24
The Indian city of Bangalore was renamed Bengaluru in 2006.
May 29, 2019 17:09
Fossils are the preserved traces and remains of animals and plants that existed in the past.
May 29, 2019 15:47
The Bantu speaking peoples are largely found in sub-Saharan Africa.
May 28, 2019 17:28
The Statue of Liberty was designed by French sculptor Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi.
May 28, 2019 14:57
How was the 49th parallel, the world's longest undefended border, defined?
May 28, 2019 12:32
Positioned between Canada and Greenland (Denmark), the ownership of Hans Island has proven to be a diplomatic hot button issue between the two nations.
May 28, 2019 11:41
Kingman Reef is an unincorporated territory of the United States located in the Pacific Ocean.
May 27, 2019 17:38
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