

What Is A Solar Wind?

Solar winds are strong air currents blowing from the Sun into space.

February 14, 2020 08:15

Which Animals Can Carry Rabies?

Bats cause the majority of rabies cases in humans in the United States; seven in ten cases are linked to contact with these animals.

February 13, 2020 13:06

When Is A Species Declared To Be Functionally Extinct?

Extinction is a biological term that describes the termination of a whole group of a species such that they cannot be found anywhere on the planet, or the surviving members no longer have the ability to propagate their species.

February 13, 2020 10:20

Strange Animals That Actually Live In The US

The United States is home to several animals, including 1,154 fish species, 311 reptiles, 100,000 insect species, 295 amphibian species, 800 bird species, and 432 mammal species.

February 12, 2020 12:57

Differences Between Mitosis And Meiosis

Mitosis is a process cells use to duplicate. It is a kind of reproduction where from one cell, two new, identical cells are created. Meiosis, sometimes called reduction division, is a division of cells that involves splitting of the nucleus when gametes or sex cells are created.

February 11, 2020 14:31

How Long Do House Flies Live?

Adult houseflies live anywhere from 2 to 4 weeks and are considered pests not only because they can physically annoy people, but also because they can transfer certain diseases. 

February 11, 2020 14:31

Edible Insects Farmed In North America

Startups and scientists consider insects a “sustainable protein of the future” and already produce healthy products made with these proteins. Innovations aside, what insects are edible and what they taste like?

February 2, 2020 14:16

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