

What Do Grubs, Ants, And Hornets Taste Like? 

Do you prefer your worms crispy or juicy? How would you like your scorpion served? These are not unusual questions in some parts of the world. Although the Western world has only a few species approved for human consumption, there is a long list of insects appreciated for thousands of years around the world. 

February 2, 2020 14:10

Is It Legal To Collect Petrified Wood In The US?

Petrified wood is a fossil of an ancient tree. When a tree or a branch is buried deep in sediment with the lack of oxygen, which protects it from rotting and then undergoes mineralization, it created fossilized, or petrified wood. 

February 2, 2020 09:42

What Is The Goal Of Wildlife Conservation?

What if the future generations could not be able to experience nature the same way you did? The goal of wildlife conservation is making sure that it does not happen.

February 2, 2020 07:43

9 Unexpected Animals That Mate For Life

Birds and animals that mate for life find many evolutionary benefits: food sourcing, protecting their young, nurturing a litter or multiple pups, and much more.

February 1, 2020 06:53

December Birthstone: Tanzanite

Those with birthdays in December are lucky to have this stunning “generation” stone added to their list of birthstones.

January 31, 2020 21:05

Is Higgs Boson Real?

The existence of the Higgs boson helps us get a little closer to discovering more about our universe. 

January 31, 2020 14:12

Is A Bee An Insect Or A Bug?

Is a bee an insect, or is it a bug? We use words like insects or bugs in everyday language almost interchangeably, but rarely anyone other than entomologists thinks about those classifications.

January 31, 2020 13:51

What Is A Star Nursery?

Like humans, stars are also born at a certain time and place, and their birthplaces are what astronomers call nebulae or star nurseries.

January 31, 2020 13:46

What Is An Event Horizon?

An event horizon can be described as a point of no return - a cosmical prison that not even the light itself can ever escape, a threshold beyond which no events can affect the observer.

January 31, 2020 13:11

Ammolite And Ammonite: What Is The Difference?

When purchasing an ammolite gemstone, you are getting something exceptional, a gem rarer than nearly all others and shaped beneath the ocean for millions of years. 

January 31, 2020 10:30

August Birthstone: Spinel

Spinels can be quite remarkable: red spinels were commonly mistaken for rubies and blue ones - for sapphires. 

January 31, 2020 10:20

Indian States By Tiger Population

Following intensive conservation efforts, the tiger population has begun to rise in most Indian states. Some of the states with the highest tiger populations include Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka, and Uttarakhand.

January 30, 2020 11:09

November Birthstone: Citrine

Citrine has been said to hold the power of the sun and was believed to improve mood, help with coping with novel environments, fighting fears, and melancholia.

January 30, 2020 01:27

Are Cheetahs Endangered?

Cheetahs are classified as vulnerable, meaning their numbers have been declining, especially during the course of the 20th century.

January 27, 2020 09:40

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