Calvin Coolidge - US Presidents in History
The second of three Republican Presidents between the world wars, Coolidge was only the Vice-President until President Harding's sudden death.
April 25, 2017 12:31
The second of three Republican Presidents between the world wars, Coolidge was only the Vice-President until President Harding's sudden death.
April 25, 2017 12:31
Founder of the modern imperial Russian state, Peter was instrumental in creating a powerful Russian presence in Europe and the world.
April 25, 2017 12:31
A historically agricultural society with roots in Ancient Rome and Dacia, the peoples of the Romanian lands can count many cultural contributions today.
April 25, 2017 12:31
Ugandans belong to many ethnic groups, speak over 30 different African languages and most live in rural areas of Uganda.
April 25, 2017 12:31
The Serbian people have rich culture, festivals the define the national life of Serbia
April 25, 2017 12:31
Expert hunter-gatherers known for their construction of "wigwam" tents, the Algonquin are closely related to other Ojibwe and Odawa Native American peoples.
April 25, 2017 12:31
Despite his controversy, Ivan was without a doubt a major figure in the transformations of state which would eventually result in the Russian Empire.
April 25, 2017 12:31
In contrast to the positive legacy left by Abraham Lincoln before him, the 17th US President is remembered as being the first to ever be impeached.
April 25, 2017 12:31
Croats have weathered the storms of assimilation pressures and external rule for centuries. Today, they have a nation of their own.
April 25, 2017 12:31
Rising from minor Pomeranian nobility to Empress of all Russia, Catherine II changed the political map of both her empire and the European continent.
April 25, 2017 12:31
27th President of the United States and 10th Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
April 25, 2017 12:31
Fought from May 1-5, 1863, and when it was all over, more than 30,000 Americans were either killed, captured, or wounded at Chancellorsville.
April 25, 2017 12:31
Abel Tasman a Dutch explorer, is known for his voyages in the service of the Dutch East India Company and the first known European explorer to reach Tasmania and New Zealand
April 25, 2017 12:31
Explorer, conservationist, prospector, scout, and World War I flying ace, Jimmie Angel was a man of many trades and a master of all.
April 25, 2017 12:31
First in command of the Lewis and Clark Expedition at the turn of the 19th Century.
April 25, 2017 12:31
Sworn into office after the sudden death of President F.D. Roosevelt, Truman faced the immediate challenges of the end of WWII and the early Cold War.
April 25, 2017 12:31
The oldest Ghanaian university and among the oldest in Africa, this university has a strong presence continent- and world-wide.
April 25, 2017 12:31
Both the first university and the oldest still operational in the world, this Italian institution has long been a hallmark of European education.
April 25, 2017 12:31
Maintaining peace, security, health, and humanitarianism around the globe is the name of the game for this multinational entity.
April 25, 2017 12:31
The Amish fight to preserve their simple, rustic lifestyles in the face of globalization and technological pressures.
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