

The Welsh: Cultures of the World

Welsh people refer to the people from Wales and also the people of Welsh ancestry who are perceived to be sharing cultural heritage and ancestral origin.

April 25, 2017 12:31

States With The Least Car Theft

As if the peaceful Vermont imagery isn’t sweet enough, the state also had the lowest automobile theft rate in the US.

April 25, 2017 12:31

The Mystery of Amelia Earhart

Founder of the Ninety Nines and a pioneer of women's rights in aviation and in general, Earhart was a famous pilot and explorer.

April 25, 2017 12:31

Ibn Battuta - Famous Explorers of the World

The first person to have explored every known country with a Muslim ruler at the time. Ibn Battuta is one of the most renowned explorers of the Muslim world.

April 25, 2017 12:31

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